Chapter 11

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Cheryl's POV
A few days after the... incident with my mother, me and Toni went back to Thistle house. We got the remainder of my stuff, and told my Nana what was happening.

My Nana wasn't the happiest, but she respected us. We left a note to my mother, but didn't leave an address.

We got my car, so we drove separately. I followed Toni so we got back the same time.

We decorated the trailer a bit, just adding some of Toni's polaroids to the walls, and some of my stuff here and there.

In the bedroom there were two beds, so we each had one. Mine was fairly plain, where as Toni's was not. She had a few stuffed animals, and a shit ton of pillows. She had 10+, where as I had 2.

Hanging above her bed was a bisexual flag along with a Polaroid picture of me.

Above my bed I have a lesbian flag, along with a small rainbow flag, and a picture of Me and Toni, Me with Betty/Veronica/Jughead/Kevin (all separate pictures) and a picture of just Toni

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Above my bed I have a lesbian flag, along with a small rainbow flag, and a picture of Me and Toni, Me with Betty/Veronica/Jughead/Kevin (all separate pictures) and a picture of just Toni.

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 I am currently cuddled up with Toni on her bed

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I am currently cuddled up with Toni on her bed. We are watching the 100 (great show) on Toni's laptop.

Toni looked at me and placed a quick kiss on my lips. "Weak. Fucking commit Topaz." I say.

I grabbed her face and placed our lips together. Toni kissed back. Things quickly got heated.

Toni climbed on top of me and went down to my neck. "T-Toni." I whimpered, not comfortable with what was happening.

I was getting flashbacks of what happened with Nick st. Dick.

She unconnected her lips from my neck and looked at me. She automatically saw the look on my face and got off.

"I-I'm sorry Toni. I'm such a fuck up. I can't even make out with my girlfriend." I said anger evident in my voice.

"Cheryl. It's okay. You told me why a long time ago. When we first met. I know it's hard. But I will always. Always. Be here for you. I vow to you. I will NEVER break your heart. Or use you. Or do anything you do not want." Toni said.

"God dammit Toni! Your getting me in my feels." I say laughing wiping away the tears. Toni laughs too.

"I love you Cher. I always have. Always will." Toni said simply placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I love you too." I said. I curled up and put my face in her neck. She wrapped her arm around me and we just fell asleep.
Okay so I'm aware that some things happened in a previous chapter. When that happened it was extremely adrenaline filled. This was not. Do not expect much smut, because I feel like Cheryl is truly scarred by what happened. That is all, peace.

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