Chapter 5

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Cheryl's POV
Since I came out things have been going well. Sure there were guys like Reggie, but nothing I couldn't handle

Me, Toni and Betty were currently Pops. We were just talking, hanging out. It was fun.

"So Betty, what's up with you and Veronica? You seem very interested." Toni questioned Betty.

Me and Toni had known something was up for a while now.

"Well I uh, I kinda like her, but I don't think she likes me." Betty replied shyly.

Me and Toni exchanged a look before laughing.

"Oh dear cousin, Veronica definitely isn't straight, but she is definitely into you." I said still laughing.

Betty looked down, her face as red as my hair. "Are you sure? I don't want to tell her and end up losing my best friend."

"Betty Cooper. I though I was your best friend." Jughead said fake hurt as he sat down with us.

Betty just rolled her eyes. "It seems you thought wrong Forsythe." Betty finished with a smirk.

Me and Toni started laughing. "What are you laughing at Antoinette?" Jughead said raising an eyebrow at Toni.

"What's an Antoinette?" I said laughing at Toni's face. I swear these people are children.

Toni just crossed her arms a slumped down in her seat. I put my head on her shoulder and she gave up being mad. She sat up and kissed the top of my head.

I saw Sugar walking into pops alone and looking around. She looked in our direction and I waved her over.

"H-hi" Sugar stood beside out booth not sitting down.

Her hair was a light brown colour that was half wavy half straight. She wore glasses and nice clothing. She was nice too. I'm not sure why she doesn't have many friends.

"Sit down Sugar. Your one of our friends now. That means actually talking to us." Jughead said to Sugar.

"Ok now back to you and V. You need to tell her Betts." Toni said to Betty.

"Sp-speaking of Veronica she's coming. I-if you don't want her t-to know what your t-talking about, I'd advise you t-to s-stop." Sugar said.

Veronica walked over and sat beside Betty. "Hey guys. Sugar." Veronica flashed a smile at Sugar before looking at Betty.

As soon as Betty saw Veronica she became shy, started stuttering, and her face turned red whenever Veronica talked.

"Hey V. W-we were just talking about you." Betty said shyly. It was cute how nervous she was around Ronnie.

"Good I hope. What's up with you Jug. Anyone catch your eye?" Veronica questioned.

Jughead's been single for a painfully long time. He is a huge romantic, not surprisingly, considering he's asexual, meaning he has romantic attractions, but not sexual attractions.

"Well there's this girl. I haven't known her very long, but she's really nice. I like her." Jughead looked down. Me and Toni glanced at each other.

"Ok well Me, Toni, B and V have a sleepover planned. Sugar, do you wanna come?" I asked.

"O-oh um s-sure." Sugar stood up with us.

"So I guess I'll third wheel with Kevin and Joaquin then." Jughead said.

"Invite Arch, third wheel with him." Jughead rolled his eyes at Veronica's comment.

"Yeah whatever. See you guys later. See you at home tomorrow Betts." Jughead smiled and left.

Toni, Veronica, Betty and Sugar followed me out to my car. Toni sat in the front with me. Veronica, Betty and Sugar squished in the back. We drove to Toni's trailer where we were having the sleepover.
"Ok Sugar. You need to tell us about yourself." Toni said.

Toni was sitting in my lap. Betty and Veronica were sitting beside each other avoid eye contact with one another. Sugar was sitting beside Veronica and Betty.

"O-okay. I'm 17. I'm st-straight, but I'm asexual. I m-moved due to my d-dad being arrested for selling hardcore d-drugs. T-thats all." Sugar replied.

"I get the moving because of your dad being arrested. That's why I'm here." Veronica said looking at Sugar.

"Ugh this is depressing. Who do you think Jug likes? He says he doesn't know her very well. She's probably new." I said excitedly.

"It's probably Sugar." Betty said laughing.

"He talks in his sleep right? Betty you should totally listen and see if he's talking about Sugar. Obviously not sexually cause he's asexual." Veronica said.

"'Oh Sugar. My heart aches thinking of you. Let me take you to paris, my love. Let's cuddle and never stop!'" Toni said laughing.

Toni fell of my lap because of how hard she was laughing. Veronica and Betty were rolling on the ground laughing. Sugar was just sitting their awkwardly.

"Oh uh forgot you were here. Sorry Sugar." Toni said rubbing the back of her neck.

"I-its fine. I'm a bit tired, could we sleep now." We all nodded and got ready to sleep.

Me and Toni cuddled up on her bed, Veronica and Betty slept on the couch in Toni's room and Sugar slept on the floor.

I turned and looked at Toni.

"Hey babe." I said. Toni smiled.

"Hey. What's up." Toni replied. She was obviously tired. I kissed her forehead.

"Nothing. Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight Cher." Toni wrapped her arms around me and I cuddled my head into her neck.

I'm falling in love with Toni Topaz. Fuck.
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Ok sorry for not posting for a while. I've been dealing with alot of stuff right now. Since I haven't posted I a bit I made this a longer chapter. Opinions on Sugar and Jughead? Ok that's all. I try for another chapter soon.

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