Chapter 8

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This chapter contains violence and swear words.
Toni's POV
Cheryl is the best thing that could ever happen to anyone. And I have her. And I love her. And she loves me. And I made that very clear by the amount of hickeys I gave her last night.

I laid on the bed watching her sleep. She is so peaceful when she sleeps. It sounds creepy, but it isn't. She started to move around in her sleep, obviously having a nightmare.

"Cher, babe. It's okay. Wake up." I said putting my hand on her arm. She opened her eyes and sat up to hold me. We sat holding each other for a few minutes before we started talking.

"It was about my Dad. Sometimes I'll have them after seeing what happened with JJ." Cheryl said. I sadly smiled at her.

"I wish I was there for you when it happened." I said. I was stroking her hair. "I wish you were too. JJ would have loved you." Cheryl said weakly smiling.

We laid like this for a bit until we fell back asleep. Later we were gonna go hangout with Fangs and Sweet Pea, since we got... distracted yesterday, and then we were busy with Jughead.

After a while we woke back up. We got dressed and headed to pops for breakfast. I smiled at the small things she said. It was perfect until...

"What do we have here? Oh yes. The DYKES!" Reggie said walking up to our booth. I glanced at Cheryl who looked less than impressed.

"Listen Reginald. It's clear why you're doing this. Because you are single and lonely and incapable of not being a whinny little asshole. Isn't that why I've never seen you in a relationship with anyone. Maybe, you're gay. Is that why you're doing this?" Cheryl said standing up. I stood up ready to defend her.

"You little BITCH!" Reggie pushed Cheryl backwards. She stumbled. "DON'T TOUCH HER, YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled punching him. Cheryl grabbed my arm.

"Babe." Cheryl said. I looked at her before I felt a pain in my head. I turned around seeing that Reggie had just punched me.

Cheryl grabbed me. "Listen up you compulsive piece of trash. Leave me and my girlfriend the fuck. Alone." Cheryl said. She grabbed my arm and tried pulling me away.

Reggie grabs me and pushed me down. He got on top of me and started punching my face. He held down my arms so I couldn't move. "TONI!" I heard Cheryl yell. Someone pushed Reggie off me and Cheryl got me up. Everything was blurry but I'm pretty sure the person that pushed Reggie of was Archie Andrews. I made a mental note to thank him.

I felt a pain in my stomach and then I blacked out. "Toni..." was the last thing I heard. It was Cheryl.
Cheryl's POV
Day 1
How did Reggie even get that gun? Was all I could think on the way to the hospital, besides Toni being okay. She was losing a lot of blood. I was scared I was going to lose her, but I had to stay strong, for Toni. We brought her to the hospital and she got taken into surgery to remove the bullet. Archie Andrews, a former friend on mine, had showed up and pushed Reggie off her. He helped me with getting Toni here, and comforting me.

Toni got taken out of surgery but I couldn't see her right away. I got to go in a few hours later, but she still wasn't awake. It was late now, so I got in the bed beside her.
Day 2
Toni didn't wake up the next day. Me and Archie took turns watching her just so I got to eat. Veronica, Betty, Jughead and Sugar came to see her. They went in one at a time. God Toni please wake up
Day 4
After 4 days she still hasn't woken up. The doctors are saying she should wake up in the next few days. I let Archie go home, but he still visited. The gang still visited. I didn't go home. They brought me clothes and food, and I stayed with Toni. I slept in her bed with her and sat beside the bed when I wasn't sleeping.
Day 6
Toni should be waking up today according to the doctors. She better. I have cried a lot. I've mainly just slept with her. That's all I could do

Toni's POV
I opened my eyes I was in a hospital bed. I turned and saw Cheryl laying with me. "Cheryl?" I quietly said. She turned towards me and her eyes got wide.

"TONI! You're awake!" She hugged me. "I need to get a doctor wait here." Cheryl ran out of the room. The doctor checked me and then left.

"How long was I out for?" I asked. I could tell it was more than a day. "6 and a half days." Cheryl said. My eyes got wide.

"Reggie beat the shit out of you. Archie Andrews got him off of you. Reggie, he shot you. I don't know how he got the gun. God you lost so much blood. I didn't know if you were going to wake up. I was so scared, Tee-Tee." Cheryl said with tears streaming down her face.

"I'm here now, aren't I? I will never leave you alone in this awful world. I promise." I said hugging her.  "I love you so much, Cheryl." "I love you too Toni."

We just sat there in each others arms for a bit. Veronica, Betty, Jughead and Sugar came in and we all talked for a bit. The doctor came in and said I couldn't leave at least a week.

Cheryl said she would visit very day before and after school, and stay on the weekends. The gang left so me and Cheryl just talked about what I had missed. Reggie is going to be on house arrest for a month for shooting me. Nothing besides that really happened.

Me and Cheryl were talking when someone knocked on the door. We looked towards the door and Archie came in. "Hey. I heard you woke up so I was checking in on you." He said. I smiled.

"Thank you for getting him off me. And for comforting Cheryl while I was asleep." I said smiling at him. I really was great full for him.

"It's not a problem. Me and Jason used to be really close. Before he left he told me take care of Cheryl. I saw you guys, so I left it to you, Toni. I was at pops when it happened and I remembered what he said. I don't break promises." Archie said.

Tears started forming in Cheryl's eyes. She got up and hugged Archie. "Thank you." Was all she said. They hugged for a minute until Archie had to leave. Cheryl came back to me and we laid down. She had school in the morning so she couldn't stay, so she left.
Bit of a longer one. Was gonna end it after Toni got shot, but I'm not evil. Anyway, do you want to see more of Archie-Cheryl friendship? Comment ideas for the next chapter. Peace.

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