Chapter 19

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Cheryl's POV
I pull into the drive way after visiting Nana Rose. I visit her every Thursday. We just talk about what's going on in my life.

I walk inside the house and see Betty sitting on the couch. She sees me and her eyes go wide. I look at her weird. "What is my hair messed up or something?" I say.

Betty shakes her head no. "Okay? Where's Toni?" I ask. Betty thinks for a second.

"In your room talking to Veronica. They wouldn't let me in there so you shouldn't go in." Betty says. I roll my eyes.

"It's my room." I say. I start walking to my room but Betty runs in front of me.

"You really shouldn't go it there." Betty says blocking my way. I cock my eyebrow.

"Damn your stubborn. Move." I say pushing her out of the way. I walk in and see Toni on her knee holding up a ring to Veronica.

I'm both pissed and destroyed. "What the fuck is going on?" I saw. Toni and Veronica both look over. Toni jumps up.

"I tried to stop her! But she's fucking determined." Betty says. I look at her. I feel a tear roll down my face.

"Cheryl I can explain." Toni says. I roll my eyes. I look at Veronica who looks scared.

"Save it." I start walking away but Betty grabs me. I can feel the tears running down my face.

"Cheryl. You are going to want to hear it." Betty says leading me back to the room. Toni is sitting on the bed with her head in her hands and Veronica is pacing.

When she sees us she runs over. "Betty we should go. Cheryl needs to hear this alone." Veronica says. Betty nods.

Betty nudges me into the room. I look at her before waking and sitting beside Toni.

"Explain." I say. I look at Toni and realize she was crying. I'm pretty sure whatever I thought I saw was wrong.

Toni stands up and stands in front of me. "Okay um, whatever you think me and Veronica were doing, it's wrong. She was helping me practice, to propose" Toni says.

She's going to propose to me? "Well uh since you know, I might as well tell you what I was going to say." Toni says.

She pulls the ring back out of her pocket. "Cheryl Majorie Blossom, the past to years we've been together have been the best two years of my life. Before we met I didn't believe in love at first sight or any of that, but when I first saw you it was love at first sight. I knew right away we are soulmates. When you pushed me away in the bathroom that day, I knew I couldn't stop trying to be your friend. When you got sent to that awful place, I didn't sleep until I found you. And I'm sure now I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So... will you marry me?" Toni says.

I put my hands over my mouth. "Yes." I say.

"Yeah?" "Yeah." I jump up and wrap my arms around Cheryl. "God I love you." I say.

I give her a long kiss. "Uh here." Toni says handing me the ring.

The ring is a silver and topaz ring. I smile at it.

I slide the ring onto my finger and grin

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I slide the ring onto my finger and grin. I wrap my arms back around Toni. "I love you so fucking much." I say.

Toni pulls away from me and smiles. "I love you too. Now let's go tell them the news." Toni says.

She intertwines our fingers as we walk out to the living room. When we walk out Veronica and Betty jump up.

"Hey..." Veronica says. I smile at her. I glance at Betty who looks at my hand and smiles.

"Congrats!" Betty says. Veronica perks up realizing she didn't mess up too badly.

"Thanks." I say. I move away from Toni and go to hug Veronica. She hugs back.

"I'm not pissed. I know you think I am but I'm not." I say to Veronica. She smiles.

"We have to celebrate!" Betty says. Me and Toni laugh.

We walk to our in house bar and get drinks. A bit later Jughead and Sugar return and they join in the celebration.

Me and Toni are going to get married, and I couldn't be happier.

The End

So that's the end. The end of my first published fanfiction. I hope everyone enjoyed. Who wants a sequel? I'm either going to have a sequel or make a supercorp fanfiction. Which one do you want? Anyway thank all of you so much for reading my story. Goodbye.

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