Chapter 6

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Cheryl's POV
I was the first one to wake up. Toni still had her arms around me. I looked at couch and saw that Betty and Veronica were cuddled up on the couch. I removed myself from Toni's arms and took a picture.

'Perfect blackmail' I thought.

I felt Toni start moving so I turned to her. She smiled.

"Hey babe." Toni said. She sat up a kissed my forehead. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"Why did you have to wake up. I'm tired." Toni whined. She's too cute. It's not fair.

"I don't know. But look at Betty and Veronica." I pointed at them. Toni started laughing.

"Holy shit. Did you get a picture?" Toni asked.

"That shouldn't even be a question. Obviously I did." I showed her the picture. Betty and Veronica started to wake up. They pretty much jumped apart. Their faces were super red. Sugar than woke up.

"Ok now we are all up. I get it's early but we need to figure out who Jug likes. Betty your his sister. And Cheryl your his cousin, kinda. It's up to you guys." Toni said.

Betty just nodded. Her and Veronica weren't sitting beside each other anymore. They avoided eye contact. It was funny.

"I'm in. Betty, I'm sleeping over at your house tonight." I said.

"Sugar your job is to befriend Jughead. Hangout with him. Get to know him. Maybe you'll get it out of him. And you'll get a friend." Veronica said finally talking.

"O-okay. I-I'll work on that." Sugar replied.

"That leaves you V. Get Jug to pick up you and Sugar. Then go to pops with him. Grill him about it." Betty said to Veronica. She didn't look at Veronica directly, but it was clear she was talking to her.

Me and Toni looked at each other trying not to laugh. It was cute how much they liked each other.

"Ok I'm going home. See you guys later." Betty got her stuff and left.

"I'll go call Jug." Veronica left the room.

"Ok w-what are B-B-Betty and Veronica? Are t-they dating?" Sugar asked. Me and Toni laughed.

"Not dating yet. They like each other. But won't admit it. Veronica won't even admit she isn't straight." Toni said.

"O-okay." Sugar said nodding. "I-it seems like t-they are." Me and Toni laughed at her comment.

Veronica walked back into the room so we stopped talking about it. "Jugs on his way. Get your stuff Sugar." Veronica said.

Veronica and Sugar packed their stuff and waited outside for Jughead. I laid back down with Toni.

"Hey Cher?" Toni said. Her voice was so soft and sincere. How do I deserve her.

"Yeah babe." Toni smiled at me calling yet that.

"First of all I love it when you call me that." I chuckled. "Second, I want to take you out on an actual date tonight." Toni said.

I smiled. "I'd love too. Babe." Toni laughed at me and kissed me. God I love her.

"Cheryl, you are a big dork." Toni said matter-of-factly. "Yeah but I'm your dork." I said with a big grin. "So cheesey Cher, so cheesey." Toni kissed my forehead and got up.

"What do you want for breakfast Cher?" Toni said standing beside the bed.

"Pancakes. I mean I'd prefer you, but pancakes would be good too." I said laughing slightly.

"STILL A DORK." Toni yelled leaving the room.
Toni's POV
Me and Cheryl pulled up to Pop's on my motorcycle for our date. Cheryl unwrapped her arms from around me as she took of her helmet and got off.

I took of my helmet and got off. I intertwined out hands before walking in. Cheryl sat down at our usual booth while I ordered. "Hey Pop. Could I get a chocolate milkshake, a strawberry milkshake and some fries." I asked Pop. "Comin' right up Miss. Topaz."

After I got to food I walked over to the booth and sat down across from Cheryl. I slid her milkshake over to her and put the fries down between us.

"Thanks moi cherie" Cheryl said as I sat down. We were both smiling, this being our first actual date.

"Ok so what is Jughead and Sugar's ship name gonna be?" I asked. Cheryl thought for a moment before responding.

"Juggar." Cheryl replied matter-of-factly. I laughed causing her to laugh.

"Okay okay. So we are Choni, Betty and V are Beronica, and Jug and Sugar are Juggar." I replied. Saying our ship name felt, right.

Cheryl smiled at me and leaned across to table to kiss me. I leaned forward to. Eventually our lips meet. We parted after a few seconds and smiled at each other.

My phone dinged and I looked at my phone. It was a notification that Kevin posted. When we walked in I noticed he was here with Joaquin. I clicked on the post and laughed.

liked by ttopaz, cherrybombshell and 102 others
thekevinthwonder my Choni heart ❤❤❤

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ttopaz seriously Kev? Your creepy
cherrybombshell I never realized how cute we actually look together @/ttopaz
Me and Cheryl looked over at Kevin and rolled our eyes. He kept smiling.

"Ignoring the invasion of our privacy, what's up with the serpents? We never really talk about them." Cheryl said.

We never talked about the serpents cause I didn't want her involved. If she was, it would be easy to Target her.

"Nothing much. It's been pretty calm. Oh my God." I said. I was facing the door, Cheryl wasn't. She turned around to see Betty and Veronica walk in, looking like they were on a date.

"Do you think-" Cheryl started to say. "No. In Veronica's mind, she is straight, even though she isn't." I said before Cheryl even finished.

Me and Cheryl talked for a while until Betty walked over and it was time for their sleepover. I kissed Cheryl goodbye before she left, Veronica going with them.

Our date was successful. I went out to my motorcycle and drove home.
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Bit of a longer one. Just a bit of Choni cuteness with a bit of Beronica thrown in. That's all for now. Bye.

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