Chapter 14

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Toni's POV
Its been a few months since Veronica's coming out. Hermione and Hiram are getting a divorce. It sucks.

We all know Hermione will get custody based on Hiram's criminal record, so we aren't worried.

Anyways it was coming up on New Years, and we were excited. The six of us were all hanging out at Veronica's, her having the biggest house.

It is also coming up on Cheryl and my's 11 month anniversary. I'm going to give her a promise ring. The gang knows my plan, even Hermione and Alice, the supportive moms.

The six of us constantly have triple dates, it's awesome. "Ton? You good?" Cheryl asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

Right. The six of us are currently hanging out at pops with Kevin. "Huh yeah. Just thinking. Good thoughts." I said kissing Cheryl's cheek.

Kevin smiled. Kevin and Joaquin just broke up, so seeing him happy is good.

The bell of pops rang and we looked at the door. Moose walked in. After Midge passed away, it's rare to see him.

He waved at Kevin who waved back. We walked over. "Hey guys. Uh Kev can we talk?" Moose said. Kevin nodded and stood up. They walked to another booth.

We continued our conversation. Pop walked over. "We're closing up earlier today. Can I get you guys anything before you leave.

We all said no, thanking Pop and leaving. We all went to Betty's. We walked in and Alice and FP sat at the table.

"Hi everyone." Alice said. Alice, Fp and Hermione are the good parents. We all said hi before going upstairs.

Betty and Veronica sat on Betty's bed, Veronica in Betty's lap. Me and Cheryl sat in the window, my arm around Cheryl.

Jughead and Sugar just sat in the floor at the end of the bed. We just sat and talked for a while.

Eventually Cheryl and I went home, and we dropped off Sugar.

Five more days till New Years. And 2 weeks until our 11 month anniversary.

Just a bit of a filler. I'm losing inspiration so I need ideas desperately or this might come to an end.

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