Chapter 7

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Veronica's POV
All I can think about lately is Betty. My mind is like Betty this Betty that, and I don't know why. Maybe I like her. No I'm straight.

But am I really straight. I've never liked a boy. I've had feelings like this before. I guess I'm gay. Wow. I just thought that. I need to talk to Toni.

Toni's POV
Me and Cheryl where at Thistlehouse in the middle of a pretty heated make out session when my phone started ringing.

"Mhm just ignore it." Cheryl said while attacking my lips with hers. She started sucking on my neck and my phone wouldn't stop.

"Mhm Ch-Cher it might be important." I said pulling away. I really didn't want to stop but I had to.

I grabbed my phone and laid down next to Cheryl on her bed. I put my arm around her.

"Hey V. What's so important you couldn't call Betty and instead had to disrupt me and Toni?" Cheryl said after grabbing the phone from me.

I chuckled and took the phone back. I kissed the top of Cheryl head before talking.

"Hey sorry V. She stole my phone. Anyway what's up?" I asked nicely. I was kinda pissed though.

"Can you meet me at pop's? Cheryl can come too. I really need to talk to someone." Veronica said sniffing.

"Uh yeah. Are you ok? You sound like your crying." I said looking at Cheryl. She looked sorry now.

"Um kinda. Just come please." Veronica said quickly. She hung up.

"We have to go to pop's, like now. Veroncica was crying. Something bad might have happened." I said to Cheryl.

I was concerned about Veronica. She barely ever cried, let alone let anyone know she was crying.

Me and Cheryl got on my motorcycle and speed to Pop's. We walked inside of Pops and rushed over to Veronica. She was sitting with an untouched double chocolate milkshake in front of her, her face soaked with tears.

"We are here now. What's wrong, Ronnie?" Cheryl said sympathetically. Cheryl and I sat across from Veronica in our usual booth.

"I-I think I'm... Gay..." Veronica said slowly. Me and Cheryl exchanged looks before laughing.

"Congratulations Ronnie. You are officially the last person to know." Cheryl said laughing.

Veronica looked down embarrassed. "Thanks guys." Veronica said slightly upset.

"Okay sorry. We've all seen the way you look at Betty. You aren't that subtle. We accept you no matter what. Jug and Sugar are the only straight ones in our group of 6. The gays/bi's out number them." I said.

Veronica smiled at us. "D-do you think Betty likes me back?" Veronica said oblivious of the fact Betty acts the same way Me and Toni act with each other.

"Uh duh. Do you see the way she looks at you? How oblivious are you, V?" I said. The bell of pops rang and Betty came in. Cheryl called her right before we left. Luckily she came after we talked about Veronica liking her.

"Hey guys. What's up." Betty slid into the booth beside Veronica. She looked at Veronica tear stained face and you could see her heart break.

"What happened V? Do I need to hurt anyone?" Me and Cheryl started laughing at Betty's serious tone. Damn, she's whipped.

"No I'm fine. It just that, I, I'" Veronica said looking into Betty's eyes. Me and Cheryl silently fangirled to each other while watching.

Betty hugged Veronica and whispered something in her ear causing Veronica to blush.

"Hello. Earth to Beronica." I said causing Betty and Veronica to blush. "That was really cute. Me and Cheryl are gonna go. You guys talk." I said winking to Veronica as me and Cheryl stood up.
I laid in Cheryl's bed waiting for her. It was really late, so we decided to go to sleep. My phone buzz so I grabbed it from where it was sitting.

Veronica: Hey Toni. Thanks for helping with my sexuality earlier. Tell Cher I say thanks too.
Toni: No problem V. You're like my sister. It's what I do.

Cheryl walked in an laid down beside me on her bed. I wrapped my arms around her and she snuggled into my chest. I closed my eyes trying to sleep.

"I love you, Tee-Tee" Cheryl said. I guess she thought I was sleeping. My eyes shot open and I looked down at her. Whoa.

Cheryl's POV
Once I was sure Toni was sleeping I admitted what I had been thinking for a few weeks.

"I love you Tee-Tee" I said before going to sleep.

Toni's POV
I couldn't sleep after Cheryl said that. I obviously love her back, but is it time? She doesn't know I heard her. I guess I should say something to her. God I love her.
I woke up and Cheryl's wasn't in my arms. "Cher?" No response. Maybe she is cooking or something?

I walked in to the kitchen and found a note from Cheryl.

Dearest Tee-Tee,
I went out to get us pops for breakfast. I will be back soon.
Xoxo Cheryl

Based on the fact the ink is dry, I figure she will be back soon. I walk back into the bedroom and change into the extra clothing I brought.

The door opened and Cheryl's walked in. "Hey babe." I said walking over to her. I placed my hands on her hips pulling her in for a kiss.

She leaned in too. Even though we have kissed many times before, I'll never get over the fact that I'm the one she's kissing.

"Mm I'd like to wake up like that tomorrow please." Cheryl said pulling away. She kissed my cheek before walking into the dining room to put down the food.

We sat down and started eating. "I was thinking about what to do today since it's the weekend. Do you want to meet two of my friends from the serpents? Their names are Fangs and Sweet pea. Fangs is gay, Sweet pea is Bi. They're dating." I said. Cheryl hasn't really talked to any of my serpents, they are my second family, besides Cheryl and the Crew.

"Of course. I'd love to meet your friends. Almost as much as I love you." Cheryl said. I looked up at her smiling.

"Cheryl Majorie Blossom, I love you." I said once I realized she said that.

"I love you too, Antoinette Topaz." She said grinning. "You ruined it babe." I said before leaning in.

Our kiss got heated and we headed to the bed room. Our clothes went everywhere. Guess we aren't seeing Fangs and Sweet Pea for a bit..
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Bit of a longer one. Sorry for not posting in a while, I've been experiencing a lot of writers block. Anywhere there's the I love you's. Fangs and Sweet Pea will be in the next chapter. Sorry for not going into depth about the ending, I just don't feel the most comfortable writing that. Anyway, new chapter coming soon, hopefully. That's all. Byeeee

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