Chapter 1: Fish Out of Water

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(Y/N): Ugh....

Y/N had been walking down the road for hours, it was now midday and the sun felt sweltering on Y/N's head.

(Y/N): Why is it so hot!? Why did I eat those berries? Why are there no towns!? Why did I eat those berries?!!!!

There was still thick forest on both sides of the road which didn't help Y/N spot any kind of civilization.

(Y/N): Well, at least the sun is normal... which is hot.... -_-.... Oh CRAP!!!

With a grumble coming from his midsection, Y/N gripped his stomach and ran into the foliage on the side of the road. A few moments later he emerged more depressed than before.

(Y/N): Mental note: Never eat random berries in a forest of another world... or any world... I might be dying... Q_Q

Y/N continued down the road for what seemed like forever, answering the frequent "call of nature". After a few more hours Y/N noticed a small column of smoke rising above the trees.

(Y/N): Huh? Smoke? Smoke! Yes! Finally! People!

Y/N started to lightly jog further down the road and eventually ran into the entrance to the town. Even though the town was small, it was surrounded by a reinforced wooden wall that had a few guard towers dotted along it. Y/N could tell that each tower was manned by a guard, and that, to his relief, they appeared human.

(Y/N): I guess the walls are for those creatures that I ran into earlier...

Getting closer, Y/N managed to spot a sign that displayed the name of the small town.


(Y/N): Okay. Okay. This is good. It's a language I can understand. No need for more language learning, this is perfect.

Y/N was relieved that in this dimension, not only did he understand the language but also that there were regular humans in it. The chances of both of those things happening weren't exactly common.

As Y/N approached the town one of the guards noticed his approach and alerted his fellow guardsmen. When Y/N got to the gate, it opened and a small group of guards armed with weapons and in light armor came out, startling Y/N.

Town Guard: Hey kid! Are you alright?

(Y/N): Wa!? Uh... Yeah?

After giving that response, another guard pushed further.

Town Guard: "Uh... Yeah"? Are you okay!? Did you see what happened over there?

(Y/N): Uh...

Town Guard: How did you avoid all the Grimm!?

Slowly the guards began to crowd Y/N and started overwhelming him with questions, of which were coming too fast.

???: Hey!! Give the kid some space!!

A loud voice cut through and instantly silenced the guards. Slowly, an older man, with an air of authority, approached the group of people.

???: You guys need to calm down!

The man was definitely older than the other guards and wore slightly heavier armor than the guards he seemed to command. His face showed age and had a well maintained beard. But what really stood out to Y/N were the two antlers coming out from the top of his head.

(Y/N): ._. Antlers?...

The man motioned for the guards to back up and turned to Y/N.

???: Sorry about that, kid.

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