Chapter 39: Emotionally or Physically?

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Anima Wilderness


The sky's usual blue color slowly began to shift to orange as the sun descended lower and lower on the horizon. The air began to chill as night approached. Most would take this time to finish what needed to be done and turn in for the day. 

At this time a singular teen was running aimlessly through the thick forest.

(Y/N): ...I really should've grabbed a map...

Despite having escaped from his captors, Y/N still had absolutely no clue as to where he was on Remnant.

(Y/N): Maybe I should just pick a direction and start running, I'm bound to run into something eventually...

Things weren't made any better by the fact that he was being chased by an absolute lunatic and Hazel.

Which--given the amount of people he's met so far--put him in a very small category of people who he knew didn't seem that bad, even with his poor choice of career.

A sharp pain shot through Y/N's body like electricity, forcing the runaway teen to come to a stop and lean against a tree.

(Y/N): Auugh... That doesn't feel right...

The pain that pulsed through his torso felt all too familiar to the teen. 

Pulling his shirt up, Y/N was displeased to see that much of the white bandages that were wrapped around his body had been stained black. Even more concerning was the fact that the black stains seemed to be significantly bigger than the wound itself.

(Y/N): Great...

???: Awwww~ Feeling a little under the weather?

Slinking out of the bushes behind him, Tyrian strode up to Y/N, a wide smile on his face. 

Tyrian: Need to sit down~?

Behind the mad Faunas was his large acquaintance.

Hazel: Kid.

Tyrian gave an exaggerated gasp.

Tyrian: Now that doesn't look very good.

The scorpion Faunas pointed to the black stains on Y/N's bandages.

Tyrian: You should really see someone about that.~

Hazel grunted at Tyrian's mocking and approached the wounded teen.

Hazel: Look kid, just-

Y/N raised his hand, stopping Hazel mid-sentence.

(Y/N): You are not going to ask me to come with you...

Hazel sighed loudly.

Hazel: ...we are.

Y/N winced in pain as he put his shirt back down and gripped his side.

(Y/N): Seriously!? She's just gonna kill me!

Hazel: Salem is willing to forgive yo-

(Y/N): I decapitated her!

Hazel hesitated.

Hazel: ...You'll die if you don't.

(Y/N): I'll die if I do!

Hazel scowled slightly as Y/N remained defiant at his attempts at a diplomatic solution, but before he could act on that anger, Tyrian stepped between them.

Tyrian: Now, now~ no need to get angry gentleman, we all want the same thing.

(Y/N): No, I don't think we do.

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