Chapter 38: The Great Escape

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Beacon Academy

Ruby dashed through the crowds of teachers and students at blinding speeds, her mind filled with the exciting news she was going to tell her friends.

Haven Student: Hey watch it!

Ruby: Sorry!

Because of the Vytal Festival the school grounds were packed with more than just the students of Beacon. Eventually Ruby managed to find her teammates sitting around a table.

Ruby: Guys!

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby quickly ran to her friends.

Ruby: Guys! You won't believe what I found out! I-... wait... have you guys just been sitting here this whole time?

Weiss and Yang: Uhhh....

Sweat started to drip down their heads as they tried to come up with an excuse.

Yang: Well... we would have helped if Blake hadn't kept us from leaving!

The three of them looked at Blake who was face down in a bowl of tuna, unmoving.

Blake: *Seafood Overload*

Ruby: Is she breathing?

Yang: So, my dear sister! What was that thing you wanted to tell us?

Ruby: Riiight... so, I just found out that Y/N is alive!

Yang: Really!?

Weiss: That's great news, Ruby!

Ruby: Yeah! I found out that there was another one of those weird explosions, which means that Y/N must not be far!

Weiss: I'm still skeptical about being excited about one of those 'explosions'.

Yang lightly elbowed Weiss.

Yang: Stop being so cold 'Ice Queen' you miss him too.

Weiss turned away in a pout.

Weiss: Well, I miss the breakfasts he used to make.

Yang rolled her eyes.

Yang: How did you find out?

Ruby took the open chair and sat down.

Ruby: Penny told me!

Weiss: I get that Penny is from Atlas, but how did she obtain that kind of information.

Yang smirked at her younger sister.

Yang: She probably cares about her 'boyfriend'.

Ruby: S-shut up!

Ruby had a slight blush on her face when she shouted at her older sister.

Weiss: You two are so immature. So, where is he?

Ruby: Oh! he's... uhhh...

Yang: Ruby, you did ask where it happened, didn't you?

Ruby: O-of course I did! What kind of dummy do you take me for?

Weiss stared blankly at her leader.

Weiss: Do you really want us to answer that?

Ruby: Okay fine, I completely forgot to ask. Let's go find Penny and ask her before she leaves!

Ruby instantly stood back up.

Yang: Penny is leaving?

Ruby: Yeah, her team is withdrawing from the tournament.

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