Chapter 44: The Nosedive (Part 2)

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Vale Tourist: *huff* *huff*

Over the course of one day the city of Vale turned into a hellish war zone. Just one day.

Vale Tourist: How could this have happened!?

Running alone through the now barren streets was a singular young man. Sweat poured from his head as his heart beat faster than it had ever before. He had spent most of the past few hours running for his life.

Having hid in an alleyway, the man took a moment to catch his breath.

Vale Tourist: I just wanted to enjoy the festiv-

The terrified man's thoughts were cut short when he heard marching coming down the street he was just on.

Vale Tourist: Oh no. No. No. No...

Horrified at the approaching machines, the man turned to run down the alleyway in an attempt to escape.

Vale Tourist: Please. Please. Please!

With his attention pulled toward the street behind him, the poor man didn't notice the creature in front of him.

Vale Tourist: Ooomf!

His escape attempt was halted in its tracks when he bumped into something in front of him, causing him to stumble back slightly.

After regaining his balance the man looked at what he ran into only for all the color from his face paled.

Two glowing red eyes were staring back at him, and much to the man's horror, there were multiple pairs of glowing red eyes staring back at him.

Vale Tourist: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!

In full panic mode, the man screamed as he ran back out onto the street, right in front of the squad of rogue Atlesian robots.

Atlesian Knight: Halt. You are in violation.

The man was too terrified to hear the robot's monotonous voice and ran as fast as he could.

Atlesian Knight: Halt. You-

The squad of Atlesian Knights were knocked down as the pack of Beowolves burst from the darkened alley.

The Grimm roared as they trampled over the malfunctioning machines, their attention focused solely on the fleeing man.

Vale Tourist: No!!! Please!!!

Running faster than he ever thought he could, the man ran down the street and made a quick turn into a darkened clothing store.

Running through the door, the man was lucky that it was unlocked and began running toward the back of the store.


Mere seconds behind him, the Grimm charged through the large display window at the front in their pursuit of their prey.

Vale Tourist: NO!!!!!

Even though the Grimm were tangled in the display racks and cabinets that made up the store, they weren't held back long.

The man ran through the store and managed to open the back door into another alley. With one way blocked by debris, the man ran down the alley and came across a small plaza with a statue on a podium in the center.

Vale Tourist: Where do I go!? Where do I go!? Where-!?


Turning back around, the Grimm slammed through the backdoor and destroyed a section of the back wall of the building.

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