Chapter 35: Torn

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Lake of Grimm

At the pitch black lake, bubbles floated to the surface and popped. Suddenly, the lake began to churn and something started to rise out of the tar like liquid.

Black liquid pouring down its head, the Beowolf slowly rose out of the lake. The large Grimm waded toward the shoreline and looked as though it was about to climb out.

Right as it appeared as though it was about to climb out the Beowolf suddenly lurched forward and fell onto the ground, dead.

Immediately after throwing the Grimm away, something else pulled itself out of the lake.

(Y/N): Air!!!!

Taking a huge deep breath, Y/N pulled himself out of the lake and flung himself onto dry land.

(Y/N): Aaaargh!! Stupid... friggen...

Waves of intense pain surged through Y/N's body as he began to crawl away from the black pool.

(Y/N): Oh god... so much of it got into my mouth...

As he continued to crawl away from the lake, Y/N stopped for a brief second.

(Y/N): ...of that black liquid!!!....

Y/N shouted his explanation into the air, seemingly to no one.

(Y/N): ...pervs....

Y/N continued to crawl once more along the ground, this time however, the pain coming from his left side was intense enough that it caught his attention.

(Y/N): Aaargh!

Now writhing in pain, Y/N gripped his left side, which only added to the pain.

(Y/N): Fuuck! What is... what is- oh shit!

Before Y/N could check on what was causing him so much pain, his stomach began to churn. Seconds later, the wounded teen began to vomit the black liquid he was just submerged in.

The black vomit poured onto the rocky floor and created a small puddle of black liquid. After a solid fifteen seconds of straight heaving, Y/N finally felt as though he was done.

(Y/N): Holy shit that tastes awful...

Wiping his mouth of the black water, Y/N took a moment to breath.

(Y/N): Agh... it takes like black licorice... liquid black licorice... god that's awful....

After taking a few more seconds, Y/N felt the intense pain well up again from his side.

(Y/N): Haaagh!! Fuck!! Shit! What is that!?

Cringing visibly from the pain, Y/N slowly peeled away his ruined shirt. Though his body was still slightly damp, most of the black liquid had come off. What caught Y/N's eye, however, was what was causing him the pain.

Looking at his left side, Y/N noticed the cut that Salem had given him when his back was turned, however, instead of bleeding the crimson red of human blood, it was the same color as the pitch-black liquid.

(Y/N): *deep breath* ...that.... *deep breath* ...that can't be good...

The black liquid seemed to infest Y/N's wound, as in the immediate vicinity around the laceration were black colored veins that were spreading outward.

(Y/N): I'm.... *deep breath* ...gonna need... *deep breath* ...a lot of neosporin...

As Y/N was inspecting the incredibly painful wound he had, something was approaching him from the lake.

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