Chapter 19: Food For Thought

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A Few Weeks Later

Beacon Academy

Sun: We were fighting side by side. She was super fast and I threw a banana at the guy, which sounds gross, but it was awesome.

Sun was walking outside the cafeteria with a close acquaintance of his. He had messy light-blue hair, wore a red jacket, and he also had yellow-tinted goggles strapped to his forehead.

Sun: Right, Neptune?

Neptune: Nice.

Sun: And the best part is, she's a Faunus. But that's a secret, okay?

Neptune: Got it.

Sun: And not a, "I'm gonna tell Scarlet the second Sun turns his back secret", I'm talking secret, secret.

Neptune: Whoa, chill out, man, okay? I got it.

Sun: You better.

As they walked toward the entrance, neither of them noticed the the literal war-zone of food inside.

Sun: I just don't want to screw this up, you know? The people here are the coolest! No offense to you guys.

Neptune: None taken.

Sun: There's also this guy, his name is... "Bun Guy"!

Neptune: "Bun Guy"?

Sun: Yeah dude! He's not much of a fighter, but he makes the best food, seriously.

Neptune: Does he have a real name?

Sun: I think so...

Neptune shook his head.

The two of them approached the front entrance.

Sun: They're just in here. I'm really excited for you to meet them. So be cool, okay? You're gonna be cool, right?

Neptune: Dude.

Neptune smiled and his teeth gleam as he does so.

Sun: Good point.

The two open the door to be met with a stampede of students running out of the cafeteria.

Student: Food Fight!

Student #2: Run!

Inside an intense food fight between team RWBY and JNPR was unfolding.

Nora: Ahahahahaha!

Nora laughed maniacally atop a mountain of chairs and desks.

Nora: I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

With a loud *thud* sound, Ruby stomped her foot onto a table and pointed defiantly at Nora. Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! It will be delicious!

Team RWBY: Yeah!

Nora: Off with their heads!

The two teams began to charge at each other and a flurry of food began to fly through the air.

Below the tables Jaune crawled toward the exit.

Jaune: Oh man, oh man!....

The literal explosions of food forced Jaune to keep his head down as he continued to crawl.

Yang: Yeaaaaah!!!

Yang, with turkeys for gloves, charged at Pyrrha.

Jaune could hear the two girls fighting, but he wasn't sure who was winning, until Pyrrha landed on the floor next to him.

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