Chapter 34: All Quiet...

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Lake of Grimm

Bubbles floated to the top and popped on the surface of the enormous black tar-like lake. At the edge of the lake the black tar on the surface began to swirl until something slowly rose from its dark depths.

The viscous liquid dipped down before a shape began to rise out of the lake. Two glowing red eyes pierced through the fluid as a large claw roughly clung to the rocky ground. The large Beowolf Grimm growled as it crawled out of the lake.

The Grimm quickly shook the remaining black liquid off of its body, before slowly walking away from the lakes edge.

Soon, multiple swirls began to form at the edge of the lake, and following them were more Grimm. The black lake began to birth dozens of Grimm from its murky depths, all of which began to leave the lake and march toward the world at large.

As one particular Beowolf reached for the surface, another swirl in the lake formed behind it while it was climbing out. The swirl, however, kept getting larger and large, much larger than the ones the Beowolves were creating.

Suddenly, without warning, something grabbed the Beowolf's hind leg and roughly began to pull the monster back into the lake. The wolf yelped in shock as it miserably clawed at the rocky ground of the shore. The yelping drew the attention of the other Grimm, who turned to look as the Beowolf was abruptly pulled back down to the lake.

There was a brief silence as the other Grimm curiously looked at the whirlpool on the surface of the lake. In place of the Beowolf that was pulled under, a smaller Grimm like arm burst from the lake and grabbed onto the lake's edge. The arm was jet black with bone like protrusions sticking out from the forearm.

As if by instinct, the surrounding Grimm took a few steps back from the arm as, whatever it was attached to, began to surface. Soon, a second Grimm-like arm emerged from the lake and clutched onto the shoreline. Slowly, a figure began to emerge from the lake, instead of growling however, the sounds the figure made sounded more human-like.

Completely covered in the black liquid the humanoid figure pulled itself out of the lake and began to breathe slowly as it laid on the ground. Growls came from the surrounding Grimm as they carefully approached the atypical creature from the lake, until the figure's head suddenly looked up. Each and every Grimm froze in place when they saw two glowing red eyes from behind the dripping black liquid.

The figure slammed its hand onto the rough rocky terrain and lifted itself off the ground. Still covered in the black tar, the figure got to its feet and stared at the fear-gripped Grimm before it.

The other Grimm flinched back as the new Grimm creature before them exhaled loudly. The creature's torso was covered in patches of bone that mimicked scars that stood out against its jet black skin. Its head, appeared human save for its jagged jaws that were completely black. Its eyes glowed brighter as it took a huge breath in.

The Grimm around the creature began to flee as the creature roared into the air.




Beacon Academy

Ruby: Aaah!!!

Ruby shot up from her sleep, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. The young Huntress-in-training looked around her dorm room in a panic for the monster she just saw. When she didn't see anything she realized where she was and breathed a sigh of relief.

Now sitting up, Ruby wiped the sweat from her forehead. Fortunately, Ruby's teammates had already left for early classes so none of them heard her abrupt awakening.

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