Chapter 13: Inspiration

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One Week Later

Beacon Academy

Jaune was walking through one of the many hallways of Beacon Academy, having just finished class, he was making his way to the lunch room.

Jaune: *sigh* I wonder what's for lunch today?...

As he was thinking, Jaune wasn't paying attention when someone grabbed him from the back of his shirt collar.

Jaune: Gah!!

Cardin: What's up, Jauney Boy?

Jaune: H-hi Cardin.

Catching Jaune by surprise, all of team CRDL surrounded Jaune, each with a smirk on their faces.

Cardin: On your way to your next class, Jauney Boy?

Jaune: Uh, yeah?

Cardin chuckled.

Cardin: I guess I should help you get your things from your locker, shouldn't I?

Jaune: N-no, no! I can... get it myself.

Cardin glared at Jaune.

Cardin: Are you denying my "kindness"!?

Jaune: No! No! I'll... gladly take your help... *sigh*

Cardin: Great!

Cardin dragged Jaune to his locker, many of the other students gave a wide birth to them as they walked.

Cardin: Well, Jauney Boy, you know the drill.

Jaune: *sigh* Yeah, I know...

The second Jaune answered, Cardin shoved him into his locker and slammed it shut.

Cardin: Hahaha! Man, I should make this an art!

Team CRDL laughed with each other as they left Jaune alone in his locker.

Jaune: *sigh*

After a moment of silence someone spoke up.

(Y/N): Hey Jaune.

Jaune: Huh? Y-Y/N is that you?

(Y/N): Yep, I'm in the locker next to you.

Jaune: Oh. Cardin got you too, huh?

(Y/N): Yep. About, ten minutes before you.

Jaune: *sigh* Again, sorry about Cardin, I know you're new here and all...

(Y/N): Eh, it's not too bad. I mean, at least he put us in the large lockers this time.

Jaune: Oh, yeah.

(Y/N): Besides, it's either this or more "combat training" with team RWBY. And to be honest, this is considerably less painful...

Jaune: You're taking combat training with Ruby and the others?

(Y/N): "Combat training" is too nice, it's more like, them beating me until they get tired. I mean, I know they mean well, but it still hurts, a lot...

Jaune: Yeesh, I'm sorry...

(Y/N): Still doesn't hurt as much as when Weiss gives me "constructive criticism".

Jaune: *sigh* People like us can never win, huh?

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Jaune: I mean, everyone just pushes us around and there's nothing we can do about it.

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