Chapter 8: The Best Day Ever (Part 2)

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Late Evening

Kingdom of Vale

Y/N was walking through the streets of Vale, following the directions Weiss gave him to a store that would have better clothes than the ones he'd been traveling in.

(Y/N): I believe she said down this street and make a right...

Y/N was still surprised on how similar Vale was to a modern city on Earth, there were some differences but most of it was the same.

(Y/N): This place seems like a nice place to live...

As he passed an intersection he looked down the street to see the remains of a store. An ice cream parlor, based on the large ice cream cone sign that was barely hanging on to anything.

(Y/N): Huh, wonder what happened over there?

In front of the store was what appeared to be the shop owner who seemed to be crying over his destroyed store. Behind him was a young girl with short orange hair with a white top and a pink skirt. Next to her was young man with long hair and a magenta streak down the side, he wore a green long sleeved tail-coat. Both of them look to be apologizing to the shop owner.

(Y/N): I... don't want to know...

Y/N kept walking down the street and after a little while he found what he was looking for.

(Y/N): "Midnight Dust" here it is!

The outside of the store had a more modern style to it as opposed to the stores it neighbored. Y/N entered the store and found the inside matched the outside of the store.

Shop Owner: I'm sorry dear, but we were just about to-

The older woman stopped what she was doing and looked at Y/N.

(Y/N): Oh, uh, sorry. I just wanted to get a fresh set of clothes I'll come back tomorr-

Y/N was cut off as the older woman shot from behind her desk and appeared next to Y/N.

(Y/N): Gah!

Shop Owner: My goodness! Did you walk outside like this!?

(Y/N): Uh... Yeah?

The Shop Owner instantly pulled Y/N toward all clothing racks.

Shop Owner: This is an emergency! I will make an exception just for you!

(Y/N): Is it really that bad?

Shop Owner: Yes it is.

(Y/N): Q_Q I'm sad now...

The Shop Owner began to take measurements of Y/N and went fishing for clothes that would match. After a few seconds she came back and gave Y/N a handful of clothes.

Shop Owner: Here, go into the fitting room and try these on.

(Y/N): Okay...

The woman gently pushed Y/N into the fitting room.

Shop Owner: Take your time dear!

Y/N, now alone in the fitting room, looked at the clothes the owner gave him.

(Y/N): Well, better than nothing I guess.

After a moment, Y/N looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help but think that the owner had very good taste. He didn't look like a dirty farmhand anymore but a well groomed teen. Satisfied with the selection he was given, Y/N made his way out of the booth.

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