Chapter 32: Down Memory Lane

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Beacon Academy Dorms

Ruby happily skipped through the student dormitory hallway toward the common room. Sniffing the familiar smell in the air, Ruby's smile grew wider as she got closer to the common room.

Ruby: Good morning everyone!

Ruby opened the door to the common room to see her friends inside.

By the T.V., Ren and Nora were playing a video game together.

Ren: Good morning Ruby.

Nora: Yeah, hey Ruby- Oh Yeah!!! Got ya!!!

Ren shrugged as Nora jumped in triumph.

Behind them, on the couch, was Yang, who watched Nora win against Ren.

Yang: Hey Ruby!

Immediately after, the blonde student knocked Ren aside and took his controller.

Yang: Alright Nora, my turn!

Nora: You're on!

Ruby chuckled to herself and looked at Weiss and Pyrrha, both of whom were sitting at the small dining table.

Pyrrha: Good morning Ruby.

Pyrrha smiled warmly and waved.

Weiss: Good morning Ruby.

Weiss took a sip of coffee from her cup.

Pyrrha: You're just in time, breakfast is almost ready.

Weiss: Yes, and speaking of breakfast...

Weiss looked over toward the kitchen.

Weiss: had better not burn my food!

Yang: Our food!

Yang shouted from her game.

Weiss rolled her eyes.

Weiss: Fine... our food... but more specifically, mine.

(Y/N): I know Weiss...

Ruby turned her head toward the kitchen to see Y/N stirring a bowl of dough.

(Y/N): ..and good morning Ruby.

Ruby smiled.

Ruby: Good morning!

Jaune: Ugh...

Next to Y/N, slumped face down onto the counter, was Jaune. Y/N patted him on the back.

(Y/N): There, there...

Jaune: I'm a terrible baker...

(Y/N): It's okay...

Y/N glanced at Jaune's attempt at baking cinnamon rolls.

(Y/N): takes time to get good at anything...

Jaune shifted his head to look at Y/N.

Jaune: Really?

(Y/N): ...Okay, I won't lie to you Jaune... Never attempt to cook anything ever again.

Jaune: Ugh....

Blake: It's okay...

Blake showed up with a trash bag and threw Jaune's poorly made cinnamon rolls into the bag.

Blake: Oh, good morning Ruby!

Ruby: Hey Blake!

Blake leaned toward Y/N.

Blake: (whisper) What should I do with these?

(Y/N): (whisper) Burn them, leave no trace of its existence.

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