Chapter 18: What Are Friends For?

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Beacon Dorms 

Ruby took a few steps back from the door before quietly walking back to the common room.

Ruby: W-what happened to him?...

Ruby would take quick glances over her shoulder as she thought about what she saw.

Ruby: All of those scars...

Ruby fell into such a deep thought that she nearly ran into the door to the common room. She reached her hand out to the door knob but stopped midway.

Ruby: Do I... what should I tell them?...

Ruby stood in front of the door in complete silence, contemplating whether or not to tell the others about what she saw. After taking a moment to compose herself Ruby took a deep breath and turned the knob.

Yang: Hey Ruby. You give Y/N back his Scroll?

Ruby: Um... Yeah, yeah I did.

Yang: ...Are you okay, Ruby?

Ruby: Yeah! I'm fine.

Yang: You sure? You seem... I dunno, different?

Ruby tried to play it off.

Ruby: I'm fine, really!

Yang: Okay...

Ruby—rather awkwardly—walked over to the couch in front of the t.v. where Nora and Ren were playing their game. Everyone in the room, especially her teammates, noticed her sudden change in personality.

Blake: Are you sure you're okay Ruby?

Ruby: Yep! Perfectly fine!

Nora glanced over to Ruby.

Nora: I bet she saw Y/N naked.

The entire room went quiet as everyone's attention instantly went to Ruby, who's face went beet-red.

Nora: Ha! Ruby is a rose color now!

Weiss: You did what!?

Pyrrha: *gasp* Ruby!

Blake: Really?

Ren: Wow Ruby, I didn't think you were like that.

Ruby: That's not what happ-

Yang: I'm so proud of you Ruby!

Yang rushed to her sister on the couch and began to hug her tightly.

Ruby: Yang, please!

Yang: Finally starting to notice boys!

Ruby: Yaaaang!

Yang: And Y/N is a good starting point too!

Weiss: What are you talking about now?

Yang let go of her sister and let her fall onto the couch.

Yang: Isn't it obvious? Ruby here is going to start having boys eating out of the palm of her hand!

Ruby: But I don't want to do that...

Weiss: What kind of older sister are you?

Yang: The best kind!

Yang pulled her sister back up.

Yang: Okay Ruby, Y/N is a good start. He's not too smart but also not too dumb, and he's not too bad to look at as well.

Nora: He also knows how to cook.

Yang: Even better!

Ruby: Guys please!

Yang: You'll have to play to your strengths however.

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