Chapter 20: A Day Out in Town

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Ozpin's Office

Ozpin, Qrow, and Glynda watched as Atlesian ships began to arrive in Vale and Beacon. On ground level, students and soldiers began to filter out of the larger ships.

Glynda: Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels.

Qrow: You mean bravado.

Ozpin: Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man.

Coming into view, were more Atlas warships flying over the academy.

Ozpin: But yes, they are a bit of an eyesore.

A chirping sound came from Ozpin's desk indicating a person wanted to enter his office.

Ozpin: Come in.

The three people in the room expected to see Ironwood to step through the elevator, instead it was a woman with white hair. She wore formal military attire and carried herself with distinction and discipline.

Qrow: Ugh... Hello, "Ice Queen".

Winter glanced at Qrow and mildly scowled.

Winter: Qrow.

Ozpin: Ms. Winter Schnee, it is a pleasure to see you.

Winter approached the desk and straightened out her posture.

Winter: Good day to you Headmaster Ozpin and Ms. Goodwitch, for the time being I will be the interim representative of Atlas for the Vytal Festival. I hope to be of great service to you and your students.

Ozpin: Thank you for introducing yourself to us Ms. Schnee. However, forgive me for sounding rude, but we were expecting someone else...

Qrow leaned on Ozpin's desk.

Qrow: Yeah, where's Jimmy?-

Winter: General Ironwood wanted to extent his apologies for his absence today. He was called away to an important military matter for Atlas, but he expects that he will be finished before the upcoming tournament.

Qrow rolled his eyes and took a drink from his flask.

Qrow: Sure he will...

Winter continued to ignore Qrow's remarks.

Ozpin: There is no need to apologize, I understand the General is a very busy man. Please tell him that he may take as much time as he needs.

Winter: Thank you.

Ozpin: I won't keep you any longer than you need to be.

Winter: Very well, If you need any assistance, you know how to reach me.

Winter bowed slightly before leaving the office.

Qrow sighed.

Qrow: That woman is still cold as ice. She fits right in with Ironwood and his army.

Glynda: You could learn a thing or two from her. Preferably the hygienic aspect.

Qrow: Never gonna happen. So, what's the plan Oz?

Ozpin thought for a moment.

Ozpin: If Ironwood isn't here, then that would mean...

Qrow: He's at that crater. I guess it was only a matter of time until others began to notice... I'm not looking forward to seeing him when he figures things out.

Ozpin: Indeed. With his resources I don't think it will take him too long to follow the trail back here.

Glynda: Then what should we do? We still have a lot to learn about the boy.

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