Chapter 48: A Journey of a Thousand Steps...

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Somewhere on Anima

One Month Later

Nora: Achoo!

Ren: Gesundheit

Nora sniffed and rubbed her nose.

Nora: Thank you.

Jaune: Guys keep it down! We need to be ready!

Hiding among the rain soaked foliage of the forest, were the remaining three members of the former team of JNPR.

Nora pouted as she tried to look for a spot that didn't have rain dripping onto her head.

Nora: It just had to rain today...

Ren: Well, it's not like we could have known a storm would be coming through this area.

Nora frowned.

Nora: This isn't a storm! It's a monsoon!

From a first glance one would think that it was a heavy fog that surrounded them, in reality it was a heavy torrent of rain that turned the forest floor into a thick mud. The storm clouds overhead darkened the whole area and made it appear as though it was dusk.

Jaune: Guys come on, we've been through worse!

Jaune's attempt to cheer up his team backfired when the leaves above him gave away and drenched him in the collected rain water.

Jaune: ...okay, I can see your point Nora...

Jaune wiped away the excess water over his eyes and sighed in defeat.

Jaune: How are you guys doing on ammo?

Ren: I still have a few clips.

Nora: I've got maybe ten rounds left. We used a lot during that Ursa ambush.

Jaune shrugged.

Jaune: Well, then we'll just have to make do...

Jaune's eyes narrowed as he tried to listen for their target's approach. The task wasn't made any easier by the downpour of rain that added a loud barrier to the noise he was listening for.

Moments later the sound of trees falling and a heavy thumping sound approached their position.

Jaune: They're here!

At Jaune's shout, Ruby burst from the treetops firing 'Crescent Rose' behind her. Following close behind, a mass of rocks formed into a humanoid shape charged from the treeline and toward the young Huntress.

Ruby: It's here! It's here! It's here!

Ruby shouted at the top of her longs and she slid to a halt in the large muddy clearing they lured the Grimm toward.

The large creature stomped forward and attempted to smash Ruby beneath its stone arm.

Jaune: Now!

With the Grimm now in the open, Jaune took his two teammates and charged the massive creature.

Jaune: Ren take left! Nora, right!

Ren: Got it!

Nora: Wooo!!!

Firing their weapons, the Grimm staggered giving Ruby her chance to create some distance between her and the monster.

Jaune: Okay Nora, aim for the legs!!!

Nora: Got'cha chief!!!

Shifting her aim, Nora launched a volley of Dust-infused grenades at the Grimm's stone legs.

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