Chapter 12: More to Me

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Early Evening

Beacon Academy

After a series of failed—but persistent—escape attempts, Y/N found himself in a vacant training room in one of Beacon Academy's many combat halls.

(Y/N): Is this really necessary?

Yang: It is. We need to show everyone in school that you have what it takes to study at Beacon.

Ruby: There's nothing wrong with learning how to defend yourself, Y/N.

(Y/N): Okay, I understand that. But was it really necessary to literally chain me to the chair!?

After the fifth escape attempt, the girls chained Y/N to a chair, and dragged him to the training hall.

Blake: We did try to get you here the easy way...

(Y/N): Well... can you guys at least loosen the chains?

Weiss: Are you going to try and escape?

(Y/N): ...No?

Weiss: *sigh* Let's start the training.

(Y/N): ;_;

Yang: Alright! Let's start! So, Y/N, as you've already seen from watching us, every person fights differently. Whether it be the technique, the weapon, or their semblance.

Ruby: Or a combination of all three!

Yang: That's right! For example, Weiss uses her "Myrtenaster"...

(Y/N): Her what?

Weiss: My rapier.

(Y/N): Oh.

Yang: Right, so, Weiss uses her weapon to help her use her glyphs in combat, as well as make powerful precise hits.

Weiss: There's more to it than that, but that's the basic explanation.

Yang: I, on the other hand, use these.

Yang help up her fists, showing off her yellow gauntlets.

Yang: "Ember Celica"! These bad boys help beat down anything and everything standing in my way!

Weiss rolled her eyes.

Weiss: When she says that, she means she just swings her fists like a gorilla.

Yang: Hmph. You're just mad that this "gorilla" beat you in duels earlier today.

Weiss: You heard Professor Goodwitch, you won barely!

Yang: Is that a challenge?

Weiss: I'm ready whenever you a-

Ruby: Guys! We were teaching Y/N how to fight, remember?

Yang: Uh, right.

Weiss: Hmph.

Ruby: *sigh* Well, I use my scythe, "Crescent Rose".

Ruby pulled the red weapon from her waist and transformed it from its compact form.

Ruby: I like to think that I have a good balance of speed and power in my strikes. Blake?

Blake: Mine are "Gambol Shroud".

Blake showed her two weapons, both were still sheathed.

Blake: While not as hard hitting as Yang's gauntlets, they're considerably faster and more versatile. Allowing me to move, strike, and re-locate quickly. They also have a ranged form.

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