Chapter 26: Mountain Glenn (Part 2)

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Mountain Glenn

There was a faint light coming from one of the dilapidated buildings of Mountain Glenn. Inside, a small camp was set up and the members of the expedition from Beacon were getting ready to sleep. Mats were spread around a small campfire that provided light for the occupants.

Yang: I can't believe we didn't find anything...

Blake: We've always been fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time. I guess we can't always have luck on our side.

Yang and Blake sat down on mats

Weiss:'s not what I meant.

Blake: Huh?

Weiss was just staring at the fire.

Weiss: Earlier, about... upholding the legacy. There's more to it than that.

Weiss looked remorsefully at her teammates.

Yang: Yeah... No, me too. I mean... I don't know.

Blake: I don't know, either... I know what I want to do, but I figured I'd always take things one step at a time.

Yang: Well, it doesn't matter. We know why we're here. Right?

(Y/N): I know why I'm here...

Y/N put down his bag and began to pull out the samples from the day's collection.

(Y/N): I got shot with six darts of tranquilizer.

Small smiles formed on the girl's faces until Oobleck returned.

Oobleck: Ah, wonderful! A textbook campfire! And Y/N, great work today.

Ruby: Fire!

Following close behind Oobleck, Ruby came running in and warmed herself next to the fire.

Ruby: So... warm...

Oobleck: Very good! Eat your dinners and hurry to bed. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and we'll need you to take turns keeping watch over our temporary shelter. Any volunteers for first watch?

Ruby raised her hand.

Ruby: Yo.

Oobleck rushes off, and Ruby gets up to go over to her lookout point. As she passes her sister, Yang asked her a question.

Yang: Hey, did Oobleck ask you why you wanted to be a Huntress? I mean... what did you tell him?

Ruby: Hmm... No, he didn't. Weird. Oh, well. Good night, guys!

Without a second thought, she continues on her way.

If Yang had been expecting an answer, that wasn't it. Weiss and Blake seemed to feel the same way. The night went silently as the members around the campfire fell onto their mats.

Y/N, surprisingly, dozed off first, after checking the samples.


Blake: Hey, Y/N.

Y/N was roused from his sleep when Blake called out to him. Y/N removed Zwei, who was sleeping on his head, and placed him on the ground next to him.

(Y/N): *yawn* Yeah?

Blake: Did Oobleck ask you anything? You know, about what you do?

Y/N shifted on his mat and turned to face Weiss, Blake, and Yang, sitting up on their mats.

(Y/N): Yeah, he did. About, motivation... or something...

Blake: What did he tell you?

Y/N shifted on his mat and tried to go back to sleep.

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