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"Giselle girl get up!!!"

I woke up to yelling and loud banging on my door. I was too tired and still very upset from what I saw on Jordan's Instagram to deal with whatever was going on outside my door right now, so I rolled my ass right on over.

"Giselle get up our flight for Hawaii is at 6:30am!!"

I jumped up realizing it was scottie. My brother must have let her in the house. I was so out of it I forgot we had an early flight to catch. I looked at the time and saw it was 5:45am

"Shit!" I said out loud "My bad Scottie I'm coming!"

"Girl if you make me miss my flight not only will I kick your ass, I will send the voodoo gods on your head I'm not playing with you."

That was her favorite thing to say to the kids at our elementary school. She had moved from New Orleans to Atlanta with her mom and because nobody in Atlanta knew what voodoo was she used it to her advantage to scare the other kids who picked on her.

"Girl ain't nobody scared of your fake Marie Laveau ass! I'll be out in a second."

Sadly I had to take a Hoe Bath because we were pressed for time since I over slept. Finally I was dressed and we headed out. I slapped on a oversized long sleeve shirt I found in the dark and some sweatpants. We were going to be on a plane for nine hours so a girl didn't need to look like a supermodel at this very moment. I threw my luggage in the trunk of JT's Range Rover and jumped in.

"Damn bitch! I thought I was gone have to call the police on your ass! You good!?"

"Jatavia I don't have time for this shit today can you just go!"

"Well Good Morn'Ting to you too then hoe! That's why your slides don't match, goofy! Put on your seatbelt. I ain't getting no type of tickets cause of your ass. Not today bitch. Period! "

I looked down at my feet as Scottie and Chloe who was seated next to me started laughing, and sure enough I had on a left Nike slide and a right Rihanna puma slide.

"Got Dammit!" I was ready going out bad. Seeing Jordan with his "bae" was really affecting me. I needed to put a stop to it. It was my best friends wedding and I was not going to let him or his new chick get to me. Clearly him and I were done so it was time for me to let loose and have fun. And shake his ass out of my head once and for all.

Thankfully we lived in the city so the airport wasn't too far from us. In fact with with JT driving like a bat out of hell we were on time. We were finally all settled into first class with JT and Chloe seated together then Scottie and I. I smirked at the huge smile my beautiful best friend wore as she sat next to me. I guess she noticed my admiration once we locked eyes.

"What!? Something on my face?"

I smiled at her as she was oblivious to her huge grin.

"Something is definitely on your face girl! Love......Happiness! And I am so here for it. I'm really happy for you sis! Shawn is the one."

"Thank you sis! I know he is that's why I'm so dang! Happy. That man stole my heart and I just dont know what to do with myself. JT said them Michael's boys always had swag! From the daddy's to the kids."

I gave her a sympathy smile at the mention of those "Michael's boys" considering the one that stole my heart had moved on to another woman, but it was her wedding week and she didn't need to know about my issues. I'm guessing she noticed my expression the way she sympathetically patted my leg.

"Awww! Giselle I know you and Jordan aren't on good terms right now but make no mistake that man loves you. You know that right!?"

I shook my head yes though what I saw when I went to bed said otherwise. He had moved on and it was time for me to do the same. And the fact that he was such a coward and couldn't even tell me but chose to give me some dumb exscuse about he needed time made it so much easier for me to move on.

"Listen Scottie! You don't have to worry about me and Jordan. He's gonna do him and I'm gonna do me. And we're going to have a great time."

"And what about the rehearsal dinner and Wedding? Y'all are walking together you know?"

"The way I see it he's my best friend's cousin in-law I don't need a relationship to walk with him down an aisle."

"Girl please! That boy is gonna look at you and you're gonna catch the vapors. I don't know why you're even tryna front like you not still in love with him. But go ahead sis! Keep telling yourself that like you don't have his shirt on."

"Huh!?" I said at  Scottie's last remark. Then she pointed to my shirt.

I looked down and realized the shirt I grabbed was Jordan's black Washington University long sleeve. That would explain why it was so big on me. I must've grabbed it when I packed my bags the day he was on the phone with Monica.

"That doesn't prove anything. It was by accident. I didn't even know I had his shirt." I said slightly with an attitude.

"Could be an accident or it was fate. Either way I don't think y'all are done." Scottie then pulls down her Mardi Gras themed  eye mask.

But we were done. Right? I mean Jordan's failure to even send a thinking about you text and the post I saw from that girl meant that we were done. I stared out the window frustrated at Scottie's uncertainty of the finality of Jordan and I's relationship. Hell now I was even unsure.

"Oh! I almost forgot! I got these for you when you were going through TSA."

Scottie handed me some sparkly black flip flops. I'm guessing so I can change my shoes.

"You can't be looking dusty sitting next to me with mix matched slides."

I laughed at her disapproval of my shoes.

"Thanks bitch!" She winked at me and smiled before going back to her sleeping position.

That's when it dawned on me. This week was all about her and shawn. Whatever feelings Jordan and I had for one another were dead and we needed to move on. How hard could that be?

"Who am I kidding!? I can't stop loving him to save my life." I said under my breath once again staring out the window frustrated.

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