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I had been sitting for about thirty minutes crying my eyes out trying to figure out how this night that was supposed to be about love was drowned in hate and anger. I wanted to hate Giselle so much for not telling me the truth but another part of me just wanted to hold her and forgive her because I loved her so much. I perked up when I heard the door open. I was hoping it was Giselle. As mad as I am maybe we could sleep in different rooms and try to piece everything together in the morning.
Unfortunately that wouldn't happen because it was Devyn instead.

"Wassup big bruh! I thought you and my sister was going out for the weekend. Where she at?"

"Actually Giselle left. We had a really bad argument."

"Damn bro! What happened did she say no or something!?"

"I wish she said no I could handle that. But your boy Jarvis made a surprise visit and fucked up everything." Devyn's mouth dropped as I mentioned his name.

"Fuck! I didn't think it was gone be like this. Don't hate me but I-" I stopped him knowing exactly what he was about to say.

"If you about to tell me you know that Jarvis kissed Giselle you don't have to. I knew that already."

"Huh!? You knew!? Giselle must have told you or something?" I shook my head at his question." Actually I was here when she told you. I heard everything."

Devyn stared at the floor for a second before pulling his head up abruptly, gasping realizing what I meant by Everything!"Aww! Damn that mean you heard the part about the laxative huh!?" I nodded my head with a smirk. My phone buzzed notifying me that I had a text message. Once again I was hoping it was Giselle but instead it was shawn.

"Bro! I just heard what happened. Giselle been over here crying I'm headed over there now to check up on you. Be there in 30min"

"I know where Giselle is if you want to check on her. Shawn just texted me that she's at there house crying."

"Nah! It's probably best if I let Scottie handle it for tonight. But if you want me to go I'll go. I don't wanna be a burden." I smirked at Devyn as I shook my head. He really was a sweet kid and no matter what may come about Giselle and I after this fight, He'll always have a friend in me.

"Dev you don't gotta go. You didn't do anything wrong. Stay as long as you like. I just think Giselle and I need some time apart. But you and me good." I reached my hand out to bump fist with him. He returned my gesture. At exactly thirty minutes Shawn uses his emergency key I gave him and came in.

"Aye! Jordan what the hell happened. I tried to get info out of Gee! But in between her crying all I got was Jordan hates me then she started balling again. And something about her Ex!"

My heart sunk hearing that she thought I hated her. Maybe I was too aggressive with her. The crime didn't necessarily fit my agression but I had a right to be upset." When I came in to get Giselle I heard arguing and I saw it was her and Jarvis. Everything I heard was things that I already heard Giselle just didn't know it."

"Well first off what the fuck did you hear? And if you knew all this and still wanted to marry her what lead to this?"

"Well first  Jarvis kissed Giselle when she took him home after the funeral for his grandmother because he was drunk. What lead to this was hearing that she began to have feelings for him. And that if I wasn't in the picture they might have had sex." Saying that out loud started to irritate me all over again.

"Aww! Damn my sister ain't tell me all of that"

"I should've beat that man ass when I had the chance. Now the kiss was mistake on Jarvis's part but are you sure Giselle specifically said him and her would've messed around?" I pondered on what shawn was asking and thought hard about what happened.

I sighed closing my eyes."Not exactly. She said something might have happened. But just hearing that and remembering how I felt when ashlyn ass admitted to cheating I was so mad at her. I even told her she was just like her."

"Jordan you and I both know that Giselle and Ashlyn are polar opposites. That conniving witch is a master manipulator. And Giselle just made a mistake but one thing that's not a mistake is how much she loves you."

"If I may interject here. Big bro it just seems like this whole issue between you and my sister is just a misunderstanding"

Devyn was right. I had already forgiven Giselle about the kiss two weeks ago when I overheard her talking to devyn when I came home after meeting with my contractor. I walked back out so they wouldn't see me sat in my car just to think about what I heard. Giselle saying that me leaving her would kill her put in perspective that she did love me more than she had ever loved Jarvis. The possibility of her and him sleeping with each other hurt my heart but thinking about it and knowing how much he hurt her it wouldn't have been as easy as Jarvis put it and my stupid ass acted out of rage by putting her out.

"Both of y'all are right. I definitely think I acted out of anger and Giselle didn't deserve that. I'll call her in the morning and hopefully we can talk it out. I just hate that the hotel scottie booked went to waste."

"Well lucky for you it didn't. Giselle told scottie to give it to Chloe. So they went in your place."

"She didn't tell her I was proposing did she!?" I still wanted to keep that a secret in Hope's she and I reconciled.

"Of course not. But you definitely need to talk to your girl in the morning. I'm gonna head out Devyn and I have endorsement meetings in the morning."

"Alright man be safe out there" Shawn nodded his head in dev and I's direction before heading out the door.

"I'm gonna take my ass to bed too. But promise me this, that you and Giselle will try everything before you just give up on all of this. I haven't seen my sister this happy in so long and I know it's because you. So work it out cause I love y'all together."

"I promise" and having my word Devyn left to go to his room leaving me once again with my thoughts. With too much on my mind I headed up to my room. There was a coldness in the room that I had never felt before. Laying in bed without the person who gave me so much comfort was lonely. All the bad that happened in the world that seemed to disappear when I was in her arms had come back to reek havoc on my life. The next few hours were the most important for our relationship.

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