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One weekend in September Scottie and the girls set up a really nice Baby Shower for me at my house. I was now eight months and due in October.
Jordan and I didn't want to know the gender of the baby until the birth, which my mother and Scottie worked overtime trying to find out even by pulling up on my OBGYN, So it was a neutral baby shower.

Jordan and I didn't want to know the gender of the baby until the birth, which my mother and Scottie worked overtime trying to find out even by pulling up on my OBGYN, So it was a neutral baby shower

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Jordan was excited to welcome his first child into the world he wanted  not only to be at all of my checkups but even wanted to attend the shower. Of course the guys picked on Jordan once the ladies forced them to come since Jordan was going to be here. Both our mothers cooked and together they made a feast. Our father's sat drank beer and watched football as the guys and girls competed in various baby shower games.

Of course when the guys went against each other Jordan came out on top as the best swaddler, but coming in close second surprisingly was Devyn. Scottie of course was a sore loser when JT beat her at everything. It was hilarious watching them bicker.

Once the sun went down we went out back by the lake as Devyn lit pink and blue fireworks. The guys ran around with JT's son as the girls and I and our parents talked. Once the party was over Jordan and I crashed in our room. Our parents stayed and extra night and would return next month before the baby was born.


Now October, I was definitely at the point where I just wanted to meet my little boy or girl and not be pregnant anymore. I couldn't sleep and sex was becoming more of a job than pleasure.

I was making dinner for Jordan who was at work, and my parents who had just arrived a couple of days ago when I felt this weird wet sensation on my legs. I thought it was juice dripping from my pots until it just came out of me like I had peed on myself. I called out to my parents who were in the family room. My mother ran upstairs to find my shoes and my father called Jordan to get an ETA on when he'd be here.

"Son! It's Pops. How far from home are you?.....Your baby is coming."

"Oh! Shit I'm almost there Pops." I heard Jordan say causing me to laugh.

"Don't hurt yourself now, she's fine just get here when you can okay. I'll see you in a few minutes."

About five minutes later Jordan came flying in like a bat out of hell. We jumped out of his Ferrari forgetting to turn off his headlights and close his door. I calmed him down and told him to go back and make sure his car was off and locked. I guess it didn't matter if he was a doctor, having a baby for the first time was still nerve racking.

Jordan helped me into the passenger side of my G-Wagon before getting in himself and pulling off. Our parents followed behind us to the hospital. Jordan called mama Jeanine and Papa Greg while we were on the way and they ended up beating us there.

Once I was settled into my room, all of our family and the girls started piling in. Luckily Devyn had a home game and was able to be here. My contractions were coming one after the other and they hurt like a bitch but I refused the epidural. There was no way I was prolonging this child coming out of me. By the time I hit 9cm Dr. Jackie started to send people out. Scottie and Mama Jeanine hid inside the bathroom so they could be there while my mother and Jordan assisted me once it was time to push.

Jordan held my hand as I pushed. After about four pushes a little head poked out full of hair.

"Alright Giselle I need one more big push and this baby is out. Dad can we get some encouragement!?" Dr. Jackie said.

"Come on baby you can do it, he's almost here." Jordan said convinced it was a boy since the beginning of the month.

I squeezed Jordan's hand tight as I pushed hard one last time. As rest of my baby's body start to slide out Dr. Jackie called for Jordan to pull him out the rest of the way.

"I got him Gee! It's a Boy!!" He shouted with so much pride and joy.

Tears had begun to flow from my mother,  Jordan and I. Scottie would periodically poke her head out showing her tears. I was so elated our first born baby was a boy. I now had my King and my little Prince. We were moved to a more comfortable room where we would be watched until the morning where we would hopefully take our baby home.

Our family and friends were so excited to see him. Everyone was vying for a peak of the new addition to the family. All except one. I noticed Devyn  quietly observing from in the corner. As everyone was leaving out to give Jordan and I some time alone with our son I beckoned Devyn to stay.

I patted the space next to me on the bed as I held on to the baby. Devyn slowly came and sat next to me. Jordan sat on the couch across from us and quietly watched Devyn and I's interaction.

"What's wrong little brother? You been real quiet."

"Guess I'm still shocked you had a baby. "

"Are you sure that's it? You know you can talk to me about anything?" I said not believing his original answer.

He sighed as his eyes glanced at his sleeping nephew.

"Honestly Gee I was just thinking now that you have little man, I don't fit into your life anymore. I'm no longer the baby. I'm not your baby anymore"

My heart broke hearing my brother say he didn't fit into my life and that he was no longer my baby."

"I just feel like we've gotten so close since I moved back home it felt like when we were kids. This probably sound stupid as hell. My grown ass jealous of my little nephew, but I can't lie it felt nice to have my big sister again. And the brother I always wanted who I love and trust. These days it just seems like all my other so called friends just want something from me. But not yall."

I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw them hit the arm Devyn had extended out to rub my son's foot. I even heard sniffles coming from Jordan's direction.

"Baby brother you will always be my baby. All the things I know on how to take care of this baby is because I learned taking care of you. This baby may need more of my time, but I will always make time for you."

"Same with me Dev!" Jordan interrupted.

"Just like you I always wanted a little brother. And when I found out Giselle had one I was so excited. For months it was just the three of us kicking it and enjoying each other's company. Just cause we got little man doesn't mean you lose us. If you ever need anything don't be afraid to call me or bust down the front door if you got to. Now you probably wanna knock when you get to the bedroom door though, you might not like what you see." Jordan's last statement caused us all to laugh lightning the mood.

"Thank you, both of you. I really needed to hear that. What's little man's name anyway?"

" We decided on Bakari. Bakari Dev Michaels is his name."

"Yooo! You named him after me!?" Devyn asked with much excitement.

"Yup. A piece of my original baby with my new baby."

Devyn pulled me and sleeping Bakari in a hug before running over to hug Jordan."

" Listen I'm gonna head out and give yall some space. Love Yall!! Love you too baby Dev!!" Devyn said as he walked out smiling ear to ear.

It was 3:00am by the time things had slowed down since giving birth. I looked at Jordan who was wiping his sleepy eyes looking like a innocent little boy with his freshly shaved face before letting out the biggest yawn that could wake the city.

"Tired Daddy!?" I asked laughing at him. He shook his head yes.

"Come to bed with us." I patted the empty space in the bed. Jordan came in and layed his head on my chest as he wrapped his arm around the baby and I. I kiss my tired fiance before reaching over to place the baby in his crate to sleep.

I nestle up to Jordan in the bed trying to get comfortable. I really need for the doctor to let us go home in the morning because this hospital bed was not our expansive and comfortable bed at home. Finally I was comfortable enough and drifted off to sleep.

Five minutes later...........*Baby Cries* Well, so much for sleep I guess.

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