Chapter 1- The Island

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I wake up to the sound of the kitchen microwave going off, and my mom yelling at us to get out of bed.  I roll over and I glance at my twin sister, Alex, whose bed is empty.  I see her suitcase is packed in the corner of the room, and I suddenly remember that it's finally the day that we are going to the island.

I'm not sure if I believe the stories that my grandfather told me, considering I'm 16 years old, but hey, a girl can dream, right?  Also even if there are no children with magic powers, or bright sunny days, it would still be cool to visit where my grandfather grew up.

My dad was the first one to tell me and Alex about the stories.  I really enjoyed them, and he said that Grandpa was the one who told him the stories.  We never see my Grandpa, but when we do we beg him to tell the stories.  He had some pictures of people, all of them lived on the island in the children's home with him.

There was Emma, who could levitate and was lighter than air, Olive who had fire powers, Victor and Bronwyn, who had the strength of 10 men, Millard, who was invisible, and his best friends, Enoch who could reanimate the dead and inanimate things, and Abe, who could "see the monsters."  There were plenty more, but to recall them all would take longer to do than algebra.

He said that him and his best friend left the island after something happened, but he wouldn't tell us what.  Something about feeling too normal and starting a new life.  Of course, if you ask Alex she would know.  She payed attention in vivid detail, while I only payed attention half the time, or only when something interesting happened.

I get up and walk out into the kitchen, where I see my whole family eating breakfast before we leave.  I sit down and I get a bowl of cereal, and after breakfast I go back into my room and grab my suitcase.  We are going to be visiting the island for about 2 months, and it's where I'm going to have to spend my summer.  The island is off the coast of Wales, and it's name is Cairnholm.

Soon enough, we are on a plane to Wales to go to a small island that Grandpa grew up on.  I need to be realistic though.  I have no powers, at least none that I know of.  I mean, besides being able to have a conversation with my twin using my mind and eye contact, and being able to accurately guess people's emotions, that's pretty much it.  Alex said it sounds like I have telepathy since I can pretty much do it with anyone.  But, it's probably just twin telepathy, which is something all twins have and can do.

I mean, as much as I wish that it's real, it isn't.  It's possible all the people were real, and I know for a fact that the children's home was, but the kids there didn't really have these powers, that my grandfather called peculiarities.  That part was just made up, obviously.


Of course it was.

But what if it wasn't?

My mind argued back and forth about this for a while, when we landed at an airport by the coast.  Right after we landed, we went to a small boat where we would take an hour ride to Cairnholm.  It's me, my dad, my grandpa, and Alex.  My mom was staying home with my grandma, but besides that we were all here.

As I get on the ferry ride to the island, my mind goes back to wandering.  I have proof it could be real, all the stuff my father and grandfather said, but it also could have been fake.  At me and Alex's 8th birthday party, Grandpa had put on a magic show.  His only trick was to make a couple of things fly "using his mind."  Later that night though, Alex was able to do it too.  I asked him about it, and he said that my "peculiarity" was special, and that it was different than the one that ran through the family.  He said that I use it without knowing, like I am using my so-called peculiarity all the time, I just don't realize I am, because it's normal for me.

The whole time, Alex seems ecstatic.  I don't think I have ever seen her this happy.  I call her over to come sit down next to me, and when she does I decide that I'll ask her what she thinks about all this stuff.  I've been wondering if she believes it or not.

"So Alex," I begin, "do you believe those stories that Dad and Grandpa used to tell us about the island?  About how there were children with-"

"Yeah, I do.  Don't say anything about it here, I need to show you something though.  Follow me," she interrupts, walking away to a small bathroom inside of the ferry.

Not that I have much of a choice but to follow her, we are going to be there soon and it's almost dinner time.  As soon as we get there, Dad said that we are eating at a bar called The Priest Hole.  Please, help us all if the food isn't good, because we will be here almost all summer.

In the bathroom, Alex locks the door after we check to make sure no one is in there.  She gives me a dead serious look, and I can't help but laugh.  She went from being too giddy before to looking like we need to plan a funeral or something.  She takes out her phone and places it on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Remember how Grandpa told us about peculiarities?"

"Vaguely," I lie, trying to sound like a sane human being.

"Well, this is mine," she says, and she starts to lift the phone up using her mind.

I guess I had to see something like this coming.  I always wanted to believe this stuff, so I forced myself too.  It was just kinda weird, which means all the stories were true.  I feel a smile spread across my face as my twin sister blabs about how it's telekinesis, and I look into her eyes and I tell her to shut up.  She tells me to shut up right back, and I realize that we are having a conversation, but we aren't speaking.

"So, since you just did that, it means that you have telepathy.  When I said that when we were kids, I wasn't kidding," she explains, out loud this time.

"So me being able to talk to people with my mind, and read people's real emotions is my peculiarity," I state, grinning like an idiot.

"Yup, it looks that way," she replies, as we walk out of the bathroom.

I practice looking at the few people on their way there on the ferry with us, and I am able to decipher their emotions.  One of them is bored, and I can tell that they are going home, not going on vacation.  One of them is happy, again, they seem to be going home.  There are only about 4 other people here, excluding my party, and they all must live there.  I can tell from the slight mind reading thing.

Before I know it, I'm standing on the foggy island of Cairnholm, which actually holds peculiar children, never ending summer days, and kids that never grow up.  This is the moment when I realize, that this may be the best summer of my life.

A/N:  Sorry that nothing much really happens in this chapter, but it needed an introduction.  As you can see, your grandfather was a peculiar who lived on the island, and was best friends with Abe, Jacob's grandfather and Enoch, who we all know and love.  Your peculiarity is telepathy, and you can read people's emotions and have conversations with people using your mind, as long as you are making eye contact.  Your twin sister has telekinesis, and it has been the dominate peculiarity that has been passed down by your family.  Your father is not peculiar, because it usually skips a generation, but he remembers and believes the stories his father had told him as a child.  I know that it could have been a little confusing, but I hope that it will all make sense next chapter.  -Luna Maine

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