Chapter 2- New Future

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Before I know it, I'm standing on the foggy island of Cairnholm, which actually holds peculiar children, never ending summer days, and kids that never grow up. This is the moment when I realize, that this may be the best summer of my life.  

I look around the island, as I walk along the rocky beach with Alex.  We walk down a path to small town.  I see a place called the Priest Hole, which is the only hotel here.  There's only 1 room, but it was booked.  So, we are staying at an old house that my Grandpa used to have.  He bought it when he lived in the children's home, and he used to hang out with his friends there.  He said that there are 2 bedrooms, and there is a bed in each.  So, Alex and I will be sharing, and so will my dad and Grandpa.

The house isn't too far from the bar, but once we get there I see it is really small.  We walk inside and I see it is even smaller, if that's even possible.

"So, which room are we staying in?" I ask my Grandpa.

"You girls can stay in this one," he said, pointing to a door on the right.

"Okay," I reply, and Alex and I walk in there.

The room is small, again, but it's decent.  There is a dresser for our clothes, a mirror, a bed big enough to fit the both of us, and a small chair in the corner with a lamp behind it.  Alex and I drag our suitcases into the closet, and I walk back out into the living room.  There is a small black couch, a table with 4 chairs, a small counter, and some cabinets for the kitchen.

I go back into the room and I pick out a black, floral dress to wear.  I grab my gold leather jacket and I go into the bathroom, which is connected to our room.  I change into that, and I want to practice my peculiarity more.  I guess I usually use it, but I never really knew I was.  Before I walk out into the kitchen so we can go to the Priest Hole for dinner, I brush out my hair and put it into a ponytail.

When I step out into the living room, I see Alex had changed into a white dress with a black strip by the waist.  We leave the small house that we are staying in, and make our way down there.

About an hour later, after we are well fed, I decide I want to explore the island.  I want to see if I can find the children's home that Grandpa always talked about.  I ask Alex if she wants to come with me, and obviously she agrees.  As we walk back to the house, I ask Dad and Grandpa if Alex and I can go exploring.

"Dad, Grandpa, can Alex and I go exploring a little bit?  I want to see more of the island,"

"No, that's not a good idea.  It's already dark out and-" my father starts.

"Of course you guys can!" he says out loud, and then while looking into my eyes he says, telepathically, "the loop is through the cairn and out to the other side.  The day is September 3rd, 1940."

"What's a loop?"

"That's what it's called.  A loop,"

I turn to Alex, who joined in on the telepathic convo.

"Can you please tell him to convince dad to let us go?  It's our chance to change our lives forever, and be with the people we are supposed to be with!" Alex begs.

I hear my dad mumbling to himself, when I turn my focus back to my grandfather.

"Please convince our dad to let us go," I repeat, since Alex can't exactly do this.

"I will," he says back, then turns to my dad and starts talking to him, using words from his mouth.

Eventually, my dad gives in and says that we need to be back by 12:00.  I turn on my phone, and I see that the time is 7:46 pm.  Alex and I nod, and then turn away.

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