Chapter 14- Nightmare House

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We get up, and we start making our way to the beach were all of our friends went. When we get there, we hear gunshots.

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

There were gunshots.

We all look at each other, panic on our faces.

Gunshots could only mean one thing.

Someone got shot.


Instantly, I start panicking.  I put my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming.  All I want to do is ask Alex if she's alright.  In the distance, I see them in the water.  Enoch sees that I'm clearly scared, and he comes over and hugs me.

"If you're worried about her, just use your telepathy to talk to her," he suggests.

I don't even know if I can do that, I mean its only ever worked if I was making eye contact with them.

"Enoch, I don't know if it's gonna work," I say.

"Just try."

"Fine," I sigh.

"Alex, can you hear me?  Are you alright?"

I stand there for a moment.  I'm about to tell Enoch it isn't working when I hear my twin sister's voice.

"Y/N?  Yeah, I'm fine.  Did you see that boat?  And Jacob and Emma shot Barron!"

Oh my gosh, I can hear her!  I could of sworn I couldn't do this before.

"Enoch!  I can hear her!  I couldn't do this before though, how can I do it now?" I ask him.

He shrugs.  "The more you use your peculiarity, the better it works.  You need to do it consistently, kinda like excising.  You being in a loop and knowing what you can do probably helped you increase it's range, and how you can get it to work better."

I nod, and then I go back to talking to Alex.

"Jake and Emma shot Barron?  Are you guys coming back now?" I ask.

"Yup, we're getting in Emma's boat now!  But uh, Millard might of got shot too," Alex replies.

I look around at everyone, they are staring at the water.  I tell them that I talked to Alex, and that they shot Barron.  I also mentioned that Millard got shot, and they all started asking me questions only Alex had the answer to.

"Alex, is he okay?"

"He got shot Y/N!  Obviously not!"

There was nothing we could do at the moment.  We had to wait for them to come back to shore.  So I went and sat by the water, watching the little boat come closer to us.  No more than ten seconds later, Enoch was next to me asking if I was okay.  I just looked at him.

"Enoch, what are we gonna do?" I asked, a little hopeless.

Enoch's POV

"Once they get back, we'll help Millard.  Then Miss Peregrine will reset the loop.  And everything will be alright," I tell her, even though I don't believe it myself.

We sit there in silence for a minute, and soon enough they were all back.  We ran over to them, and Y/N and Alex wrapped their arms around each other.  Everyone started asking them questions, and we quickly celebrated.  It was hard though, we were missing an ymbryne and Millard was shot.  

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