Chapter 15- My Everything

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Enoch's POV

"Um, Y/N, Alex, you guys are staying too, right?" I ask.

"Yes, I definitely am. I don't know about Y/N though," Alex says.

Y/N crosses her arms and looks the other way.

"I'm sorry Enoch," she says. "I just don't know if I want to stay in 1940 forever."


There was a sad silence that feel over everyone, and I could tell Enoch was upset with me.  I could feel his emotions swirling around.  I instantly regretted it when I saw the look on his face.  He looked so hurt, but I didn't know how to fix it.  All the children seemed shocked that I didn't want to stay.

Of course I love Enoch, but I have a family and friends at home.  I can't just abandon them to live in a different century.  What other choice do I have though?  Stay on the island all alone and probably die, or live in 1940, and perhaps be stuck there.  Although the answer should of been clear, my head was too foggy with everything that had happened to process it.

Jake was going out of the loop back to the island, and I asked to go.  Coming along would be Alex, Jake, Emma, Enoch, Olive, and Millard.  We told everyone else to stay in the loop while we went to 2019, possibly for the last time.  I don't want to admit it, but I'm scared.  I don't wanna die or live throughout a war, but I can't leave everyone.  They are my friends.

And Enoch, I'd be leaving him.  I don't know if I have the heart to do that.  I feel something with him that I don't feel with anyone else.

Once we get into 2019, I check my phone.  I have over 500 text notifications.  I put in my password and go to my messages.  The first 450 are from a group chat with all my friends.  I briefly read through them, and I see that they were wondering why I wasn't responding.  I smiled sadly at my phone.  Although I didn't have many friends at home, the ones I did have were always amazing to me.  I text the group chat saying that I'm ok, and that for a while I'll be somewhere without service.  I see the other 50 messages are from my mom and dad, wondering if I was alright.

I decided to call my dad.  I scrolled through my contacts until I found his.  I hit the call button, and slowly brought the phone to my ear.  I told Alex to come over to me, and I waited for him to answer.  Each ring made me worry that he wasn't going to pick up, but finally he answered.

"H-hello?  Y/N, is that you?" he stutters into the phone.

"Hi, yeah, it is.  I'm with Alex, I just wanted to talk to you one last time," I say.

"Last time?  Y/N, what's happening?  Are you in trouble?" he asks.

I sigh, how do you explain to your parents that you will be living in 1940 for a while?

"I'm going to be in 1940, with Alex.  We'll be safe, hopefully.  I'll be with all of my friends," I tell him.

"Can you please put your sister on the phone?" he asks.

I hand the phone to Alex.  She talks for a few minutes before saying goodbye.  She hands the phone back to me, and I can feel tears burning in the back of my eyes.  I didn't want to leave them, but I didn't have a choice.

"Y/N, please promise me that you'll stay safe."

"I'll try, I love you so much.  Tell mom I said I love her too," I say.

"Ok, I will.  She's right here, she said she loves you too.  I'll see you soon, right?" he asks.

"Yeah, yes of course.  I love you guys!" I say, trying to sound happy.

"We love you too!  Bye!" they say.

"Bye," I say, then hang up.

I put my phone in my pocket, and we wait until Jacob is done talking to his dad.  Olive, Emma, and Millard went in with him.  Enoch stayed with me, and when I get off the phone he wraps his arms around me.

"I'm glad you're staying with me," Enoch says, kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah, I guess."

Jacob and the others soon walk out.  We slowly make our way towards the loop.  I try to think of the positives.  I'll be with Alex, and Enoch, and all my other friends.  Maybe, this won't be a bad thing.  We go through the cairn to enter the loop for the last time, and Enoch grabs my hand.

We get there just in time to see Bronwyn carrying her dead brother outside.  We buried him, and take a minute to look at the grave.  I never knew Victor, but I'm sure he was an amazing brother to Bronwyn.  Even Enoch looks a little sad, I can tell.

It was September 4th, and all the kids were wide awake.  We climbed into rowboats, not sure where our lives would go next.  I get in one next to Enoch and Alex.  As we start rowing out, I rest my head on Enoch's shoulder.

"Are you sad that you have to leave?" I ask.

"A little, but for years all I wanted to do was leave.  Now that the loop is gone, in a way we're free.  Not really though, Miss Peregrine is stuck in bird form and we don't know where to go," he explains.

"Enoch, I just wanted to apologize.  I know I shouldn't of wanted to stay in 2019, but I can't help it.  I grew up there, you know?  I'm happy I'm with you though," I smile at him.

He laughs, "I love you."

"I love you too.  You my everything, I hope you know that," I flirt, running my hand through his soft, black hair.

Hours past as we rowed in the small boats.  It was incredible to me that I was with the love of my life, on a brand new adventure.  I smile at my twin, and create small talk with the children in other boats using my telepathy.  It was strange how a world at war could seem so peaceful.  I knew that we would all be safe and happy, as long as we had each other.

My Everything (Enoch O'Connor X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now