Chapter 5- We What?

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"Well, I talked to Olive, talked to Enoch, got in a fight with him, not a physical one obviously, became friends with him, saw Olive again and we complimented each other, I left Enoch's room, realized I might be starting to get a crush on him which is NOT okay, so yeah, help,"  

"Wait what?  Y/N, you know we have to leave eventually right?" Alex states.

"I know, that's why I said help,"

"So what are you gonna do?" she asks.

"I don't know.  That's why I asked you,"

"Well, I'd say do whatever but don't get too attached.  You have a way of... being a little... you know..." she attempts to explain.

"Clingy?" I flatly say.

"Yeah," she sighs.

"Well, I guess we aren't going to stay here, so there really isn't any point," I frown.

"I wish we could stay," Alex says.

"I agree," I tell her.

Then, we get up and we head outside.  Alex goes off to play with Bronwyn and Claire, and I see Emma and I go over to her.  Surprisingly, Jacob isn't following her like a shadow, so I take advantage of her being alone so we can become friends.

"Hey Emma!" I say, walking over to her.

"Hi Y/N, how have you liked visiting here?" she asks.

"It's been great, thanks," I reply.

"When do you have to leave?" Emma questions.

"Not for a while," I begin, "we are still here for a couple more weeks."

"Oh, that's fun.  Do you want to go to the beach?  We could get some of the kids and go down there for the day," Emma offers.

"Sure," I respond, "it sounds cool,"

Emma and I ask around, and we end up getting Jacob, Alex, Hugh, Fiona, Olive, and Enoch to go.  We asked Miss Peregrine for permission, and she said yes so we went down there.  It was a fairly warm day, and the water was cool.  The first thing Hugh, Fiona, and Alex did when they got there was go in the water, and Emma and Jacob sat down in the sand for a little while first to talk.

I glance over and I see Olive and Enoch sitting next to each other.  Olive was talking about something, and she kept shaking Enoch's arm.  He looked bored out of his mind, and I can't help but giggle.  It doesn't look like Olive even has a chance, and I feel kinda bad for her.  I walk over, and I sit down next to them.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" I ask them.

"I was telling Enoch about how-,"

"Don't start Olive, no one cares," Enoch interrupts her, rolling his eyes.

Olive quietly apologizes, and then gets up and walks over to Alex and starts talking with her.  Both Enoch and I sit there in silence, not really sure what to say.  I mean, I could tell him about how he should be nicer to Olive, but I'm not sure it would help much.

"So... the beach is really pretty here isn't it," I finally say, breaking the silence.

Enoch nods, and looks the other way.  So much for trying to start a conversation.

"So what's it like in the future?" he asks.

"Oh, it's okay.  There's cell phones, which I can't use here, there's my family, and my... well I don't have many friends but there's Alex, but she's also here and family," I explain.

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