Chapter 8- Are You Crazy?

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Enoch's POV

We sit there for who knows how long, but it felt nice. For once, I didn't feel forced into being a total jerk to someone.  

Enoch's POV

After a couple of minutes, Y/N starts moving around.  I'm pretty sure she can't sit still for more than 5 seconds.  I take my arm off from her shoulders, and I look at her.  She smiles, and I smile back.

"You've got a nice smile.  You should wear it more often," Y/N tells me.

I shake my head, and I look down.  I've never really been the best with girls, so I don't really know how to act.

"So, do you have a boyfriend back where you live?" I ask, only getting slightly jealous.

She laughs, "Oh gosh no, everyone there either hates me or thinks I'm weird."

"That's not true," I shrug, relieved that she isn't dating anyone else.

Just then, I hear a knock on my door.  I shout for them to come in, which makes Y/N jump.  It's Jacob, and I  roll my eyes.

"Hey," he said.

"What?" I sharply say.

"Who's Victor?"

I pause.  Victor had been my best friend, but a hollow killed him.  The only time that I talk to him is when I occasionally bring him back to life, but it only lasts for about 5 minutes.  I get up, and I tell Y/N to stay there.

I close my door to talk to Jacob.  I point to the room down the hall.

"He's in there.  You should go talk to him, I'm sure he'd love to have a chat," I tell him.

He nods and walk over.

"Jacob," I call.

He looks back at me, and I moved my hand like it was at the top of the door frame.  I mouthed the key, and I started to open my door again.

"What do I need a key for if someone's in there?" He called.

I turned away into my room and pretended not to hear him.  I see Y/N sitting there, arms crossed.

"Yeah Enoch, who's Victor?"

I roll my eyes and I stay by the door.

"A friend of mine," I reply.

Just then, I hear little Bronwyn's voice from outside of my door.

"You're not supposed to be in there!" she told him, and I could hear her footsteps run into the room.

"Would you like to meet him?" I offered Y/N.

"Sure," she said, getting up.

When we walked out, I heard Jake asking what happened to him.

"Maybe I'll wake old Victor up," I started, "and you can ask him yourself."

Bronwyn's eyes had tears in them, and I knew if I taunted her Y/N would probably smack me harder than she did Olive.

"Enoch please!  Would you wake him?  Please!" she pleaded.

Y/N and I walked into the room, and I heard her gasp at the sight.

"I shouldn't, I'm running low on hearts, and it takes a right lot of 'em to rise up a human being, even for just a minute."

Bronwyn goes to her brother and starts playing with his hair.  "Please," she begged, "it's been so long since we've talked to him."

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