Chapter 3- The Peculiar Children

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"Children, meet Y/N and Alex Cooper. They are twin sisters, and they are Henry Coopers granddaughters. Everyone, say hello!" 

Immediately, I am surrounded by the kids.  They all introduce themselves to me, and after I say hi to all the kids there, I go over to the boy who I saw before.

"Hi, I'm Y/N Cooper, what's your name?" I ask him.

"My name's Jacob, but I usually go by Jake.  My grandfather died about a month ago and he told me to come here," Jake explains.

"By any chance, was your grandfather's name Abe Portman?" I question.

"Uh... yeah, how did you know?"

"My grandpa used to be friends with him and he showed me a picture of him.  You look a lot like him, so I just kinda guessed,"

I talk to the other kids, and I tell them about my peculiarity.  They all think it's really cool, and I end up talking to all the others.

"So Y/N, where do you live?" Emma asks me.

"I live in America, I'm visiting here and to be honest, I'm not sure why," I giggle.

"Y/N, when did you find out you were peculiar?" Olive says.

"Just recently, actually, but I've been using mine my whole life without even realizing I was,"

"Where did you get that dress?  It looks wonderful!" Horace compliments.

"Thank you, I'm not really sure though, I got it a while ago,"

I see the twins wave to me, and I wave back.  They are each holding half of a teddy bear, that looks like it was ripped apart.

"Do you like soccer?" Millard asks.

"It's really fun, we play it all the time!" Hugh adds.

"Um, yeah, it's cool," I reply.

"Do you like living in the future?" Fiona asks.

"It's alright," I say back.

"Are you going to stay with us?" Bronwyn asks.

"You should, we want a new friend!" Claire exclaims.

"As much as I would love to stay, I am only visiting for a while,"

"Oh yes, you guys are going to leave just like your grandfather did.  It must be passed down in the family," Enoch says.

"Well that's what visiting is, only staying for a little while," I snap back at Enoch, who was surprisingly mean compared to what I imagined him like.

"Don't be mean Enoch!" Fiona says, defending me.

"Thank you Fiona, but it's alright.  I understand why he's upset, I know if one day my friends just decided to leave me I was be sad too," I explain to the little girl.

"Do I look sad to you?  I'm not, just stating facts.  You're going to leave, and we are all going to still be here," Enoch argued.

"Alright children, that's enough," Miss Peregrine said, ending the fight.

Enoch rolls his eyes, and storms out of the room.  I feel bad, but I don't know what to do.  In my grandfather's stories he always seemed so nice and stuff, but he is totally different in reality.  I attempt to go after him, when Alex steps in the way.

"Do you know what time it is?  Dad said that we need to be home by 12,"

"I don't know Alex," I sigh.

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