Chapter 12- The Icehouse

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"Malthus and me. Come and say hello, Malthus," he calls, turning his head behind his shoulder.

It was no question what came out of the dark. It was a shadow that smelled worse than anything I've ever smelled before. Bronwyn gagged, Emma clenched her fists, and Jacob took a step back.

Malthus was a hollowgast.


I see a shadow appear in the doorway behind him.

"This is all I'm proposing.  Help us find more people like you.  In return, you'll have nothing to fear from Malthus or his kind," he continues like this for another few minutes.

"If I agree, what happens to my friends?" Jacob asks.

Is he seriously debating this?  That hollow is about 10 seconds away from killing us.

"They made their choice long ago.  What's important is that there's a grand plan in motion, Jacob, and you'll be apart of it."

He stayed quiet.  The tension in the room was rising, and the amount of negative emotions filling it was enough to make me feel like I was gonna pass out.  The room was spinning, and I had a splitting headache.  Come on Jacob, don't give up on us now.

"Well?  What's your answer?" Barron snapped.

"I'd die before I did anything to help you," he replies, giving off a little relief in the room.

"Ah, but you already helped me.  It's a pity we won't have any more sessions together, Jacob.  Though it isn't a total loss, I suppose.  The five of you together might be enough to finally shift old Malthus out of the debased form he's been stuck in for so long," he said, backing towards the door.

"Oh no, I don't wanna be eaten!" Bronwyn whimpered.

"Don't cry, it's degrading," Enoch snapped, "We'll just have to kill them, that's all."

"Wish I could stay and watch," Barron said, "I do love to watch."

With that, he walked out the door, leaving us all in a room with a hollow.  We could all hear the creature breathing, and we were slowly taking steps back until our shoulders were against the wall.  We stood together, closer than I've been to someone in my entire life.

All of a sudden, Emma turned on her flashlight facing the hollow.  All I could see was it's shadows, and I have no idea why it wasn't coming after us yet.

"Why hasn't it come at us?" Emma asks, reading my thoughts.  Not literally, I didn't talk telepathically to her.

"It's playing with us.  It knows we're trapped." Jacob told us.

"Give me a go at it, I'll punch it's teeth in!" Bronwyn suggests.

I tighten my grip on the little girl, knowing that if we let her anywhere near that thing it would eat her in 0.3 seconds.

"I wouldn't get anywhere near those teeth if I were you," he warned.

All of a sudden, it shot out three of it's tongues, and I know because it grabbed the others.  I jump out of the way, holding Bronwyn in my arms.  One goes towards Emma, one goes to Jacob, and the last one shoots right at Enoch.

"Leave us be!" Emma yelled, kicking off one of her lead shoes, picking it up, and throwing it at it's tongue.  

It moved back, and Emma goes and puts her shoe back on.

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