Chapter 11- Rising Martin

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"I know how we can be sure that he was killed by a hollow," Enoch claims.

"And how's that?" Millard asked.

"We'll ask him."


A small team was formed, we were going to ask him how he died.  Jacob, Emma, Bronwyn, Enoch and I were all going.  Alex and Millard were staying behind to make sure nothing bad happened here.  We had to bribe Millard not to rat us out, but after that we were ready to go.

Enoch, Bronwyn, Alex, and I were waiting up on a flat part of a roof we got to from a little window in the attic. We waited until Emma and Jacob got out there.  Once they arrived, it was time for us to go ask some dead guy if an invisible monster killed him.

What could possibly go wrong?

"How are we going to get down?" Jacob asked Emma.

"Easy.  I'll float you all down.  Who's ready for a game of parachute?" Emma replies, a smile on her face.

She tied a rope around her waist that Fiona was holding on to from a window on the second floor.  She waved up at us, Emma and Jacob got some of the other kids along with the plan.

"You go," Enoch yelled at Jacob.

"Me?" he asked, backing away from the edge of the roof.

"Just hold onto me and you'll be fine!" Emma exclaimed.

"Well that's easy for you to say!  You can't fall!" Jacob snapped.

Emma walked over to him and hugged him.  Reluctantly, Jacob hugged her back.  Then, Emma floated them down from the roof.  After Emma floated up again, she got Bronwyn.  Then Enoch, so it was Alex and I left.  Alex used her telekinesis to float Emma's lead shoes down to the ground.  I hugged Alex before holding onto Emma as she floated down to the ground.

Soon enough, we were standing at the edge of the bog.  Enoch handed me something that smelled like something died.

"What is it?" I asked.

He kept handing stuff to the others, the items wrapped in cloth.

"Calm down, it's only a sheep heart.  I ain't carrying all of these."

After that, we made out way to the loop entrance.  We had just started walking though when Enoch asked, "What if we see someone?"

"Just act normal, I'll tell them you're my friends," Jacob replied.

"What if we see a wight?" Bronwyn asked.

"Run," I replied.

"What if Jacob sees a hollow?" Bronwyn continued.

"In that case, run like the devil's after you," Emma answered.

We followed the path back to the town.  It was rainy and wet, wind howling and thunder shaking the ground.  Our flashlights were dim, it was hard to see anything.  We ran into the town unnoticed.  Rain was flooding the streets and everything was soaked.  Everyone was inside their warm houses, and we ran down the road without anyone seeing us.

Eventually we made it to the fishmonger's shop, the place the body was in.  The door was locked, so Bronwyn simply kicked it in.  Jacob led us through the shop, and Enoch grabbed my empty hand that wasn't holding a jar.  Enoch was holding one too, but the smell of it didn't bother him as much as it did me.

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