Chapter 10- The Nightmare

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"Jacob, Emma, Hugh, and Fiona all aren't here! And there's another ymbryne, one of Miss Peregrine's friends! We think she's hurt!"  


In a panic, we all start discussing the possibilities on why the other ymbryne was here.

"Perhaps they forgot to reset their loop," Claire said.

"Bet you it was the hollows," Enoch suggests.  "Bet they ate the lot of 'em too, right down to their boots!"

I nudge him, "Enoch, honestly?  That's not nice, you're going to scare them!"

Claire and Bronwyn start wailing, and they clapped their little hands over their faces.  Horace didn't help the cause, telling them that young peculiars tasted like lingonberries.

Finally, someone who is more mature than an 8 year old walks in.

"Leave them alone!" Hugh shouted, letting some bees chase after Horace.

Never mind.

Miss Peregrine comes in and asks where Jacob and Emma are, although they are all standing right there.  Miss Peregrine, Jacob, and Emma all go into another room and close the door.  Immediately, we all go over to the door and push our ears up against it.

We heard everything.  Miss Avocet, the other ymbryne's name, woke up.  We heard about Abe, why he went to America, which means it's the same reason that me and Alex's grandfather left too.  She talked about wights, and hollows.  And just like that, all the things I feared came true.

When she walked into the room, everyone was talking about it.  Claire and Bronwyn were upset about Miss Avocet and her children.  Millard, Hugh, and Enoch were talking about the weapons they would need.  Horace, Olive, and Alex were all asking if they were coming now, and I was sitting with the little girls trying to calm them down.

Miss Peregrine raised her hand for quiet, and the room went silent.  She told us all to go to bed, and the children started to protest.  To be honest, I wouldn't mind going back to bed and sleeping in Enoch's arms, but no.  He's the one arguing the most.  Ouch.

"But Miss-" he began.

"To bed!" Miss Peregrine stated.

Everyone started going to their rooms, and I followed Enoch into his room.

"What do you think is going to happen?  Do you think the hollows are going to come here?"

He sounded a little too excited for my liking.

"Uh, I hope not.  But Enoch, I gotta ask you something.  You were best friends with Abe and my grandfather, did they ever tell you why they were going to America?"

He groaned, "Y/N, they didn't tell me anything about it.  They asked me if I was interested in going, and I said no.  Then, they left.  You happy with that answer?"

I nod, and I can tell that I upset him.  Well, I mean, I wouldn't have known if I didn't read his emotion.  It went from having adrenaline and excitement to upset and betrayed in about 0.3 seconds of me saying that.

He lies back down, and I go next to him.  He puts an arm around me, and I slowly try to fall back to sleep.



"Where are we?" I ask, trying to look around.


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