Chapter 4- I'm Not Him

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Y/N's POV 

  I end up drifting off to sleep, still thinking of the amazing day I had.



In the morning when I wake up, I see Alex still fast asleep in the bed next to me, a wall of pillows separating sides.  I roll out of bed, and I go into the kitchen.  I grab my phone from the charger, and I look at the time.  10:00 am, which means Grandpa and Dad have already left to go down to the beach.

I grab a granola bar that I brought in a small snack bag of things from home.  I put headphones in, and I start to play music.  About an hour later, Alex gets up.  She comes out of the bedroom already dressed and ready.  We don't even say anything, I just walk into my room and pick out some clothes.  I get pink short shorts, and a black crop top to wear.  I get my pink sneakers, and I put my hair in a side braid.  When I walk out of the bathroom, I see Alex lifting a water from the bag of stuff we brought, while she is sitting on the couch.

"Lazy much?" I ask her.

"Shut up, and you ready to go to the loop?" She replies, grabbing the water bottle out of mid air.

I nod, and we walk out the door.  She is wearing a blue t-shirt with white leggings, and brown sandals.  We make our way towards the loop entrance.  Since we haven't gone through the loop yet, it is cold and damp outside, and I'm freezing.  We enter the cairn, when we hear a voice call out.


"Jake?  Is that you?" Alex calls back out.

"Yeah, Alex?" Jake responds.

We walk about 5 more steps when we see him standing there.

"Hi," I say.

We walk the rest of the way until we are in the loop.  I feel the warm sun come down on my skin, which feels a lot better than how it did in present day Cairnholm.  We walk toward the house, when we see Emma.  She comes over, and Jacob and her start talking and go and sit down under a shaded tree.  Alex and I walk inside the house, when we see Miss Peregrine.

"Good morning Miss Peregrine," Alex greets her.

"Hello Alex, Y/N, I'm glad that you guys are back.  Will your grandfather come to say hello?  It's been years since I have last seen him," Miss Peregrine says.

"I'm not sure, he might.  We haven't asked him yet," Alex replies.

I stay quiet the whole time.  Last night I told myself that I would try to befriend Enoch, but now the thought of it is making my stomach churn.  I have never been the best at socializing, but this seems like a death mission.  While Miss Peregrine and Alex are talking, I end up wandering about.  I see Olive, and I go and say hi to her.

"Hi Olive!"

"Oh, hi Y/N,"

"Do you know where Enoch's room is?  I need to talk to him," I ask her.

"Uh, what do you need to talk to him about?"

"I need to talk to him about yesterday,"

"Well, what happened yesterday?"

"It doesn't really matter Olive, I just wanted to talk to him,"

"His room is upstairs," she says, and leads me up there.

When we get to a door, Olive knocks on it.  I hear a muffled "come in" from behind the door, and Olive opens it and walks in.  I follow close behind her, and I look around.  There are jars of what look like hearts in them, and I see part of dolls or something.  Enoch is sitting at his desk, with two different dolls in front of him.  He glares at me, and then looks at Olive.

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