Chapter 9- Second Chances

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I look at her, and she telepathically says, "are you crazy?"


"What? I like him!" I defend.

"Yeah?  Well, so does Olive!  Did you ever think about that?"

"Yes, and I don't care!"



"Hey mind readers, may I join in on this conversation?" Enoch audibly asks.

I laugh, and I smile at him.  Alex rolls her eyes, but starts laughing.

"Isn't Olive going to be mad that you two are dating?" Alex questions.

"I don't care about Olive.  I care about Y/N," Enoch states.

"Adorable.  But Olive doesn't, and I'm sure she'll try to get in a fight with her again," Alex says, trying to be reasonable.

"Enoch, Alex has a point.  How long has she liked you?  A couple decades?" I cut in.

"Well she'll have to just suck it up," Enoch says with hostile.

"I mean, would it kill you to at least be nice to her?" I ask him.


Alex laughs and gets up.

"You two have fun with that.  I'm going to find Emma, she's probably more entertaining than you guys," she smiles, and turns around and starts to walk away.

"Thank you!" Enoch yells at her.

He smirks at me, and I can't help but giggle.  He's so cute, I can't even.

"Enoch, can you play with us?" Bronwyn asks, still sitting on his lap.

"What do you want to do?" he inquired.

"You should bring our dolls to life!" Claire exclaims.

"Yeah!  Please Enoch!" Bronwyn adds.

"Fine.   Go get them, I'll be right back." he tells them, then gets up and starts walking back to the house.

Bronwyn and Claire jump up and run to go get their dolls.  The warm breeze blows my hair back, and I can't help but think about Victor.  What's a hollow?  It doesn't make sense, but I don't know who to ask about it.  Definitely not Bronwyn or Claire, for one their too little to know and Enoch probably won't tell me.

A few minutes later, Bronwyn and Claire are back holding their dolls and Enoch is carrying 2 jars with hearts in them.  He sets them on the ground, and the girls hand him their dolls.  They watch in awe as he takes one of the small hearts and puts it into Claire's doll, and then another into Bronwyn's.

He whispers something to them, and then they get up and start dancing.  Claire and Bronwyn start singing a song to it, and he has a small smile on his face watching them jump up and down with their toys.  I start to die laughing, this may be the best thing I've seen all day.

"So, clearly this isn't the first time you've all done this," I guess.

"Nope, we used to do it all the time," he responds.

"Everyday we would!  But then he started playing with Olive instead of us, and then he wouldn't play with anyone!" Claire explains as their dolls fall limp onto the ground.

"Awwwww, that's cute.  I'm kinda liking soft Enoch, he seems a lot nicer than the one I first met." I say, looking into his dark brown eyes.

"Oh, shut up," he blushes, then looks down.

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