Someone Gets Hurt (Jamilton not really)

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Okay so lemme explain. All the peeps are kinda like in the Mean Girls Musical. It's a school event thing too btw. Alex is Regina, Thomas is Aaron, James is Cady. Alex is a damn bitch in this oneshot and practically uses this part of their acting thing as a way to win Thomas over once and for all, you'll see what I mean. Sit down and sing along yall, this is literally lyrics with some changes.

Siren AU that I thought of in the shower lmao

Video credit: ChloeCanary

James stood off to the side, watching Alex warily. He and him were sirens and were equally matched. They needed one more person in order to power over the other. That person was Thomas Jefferson. He was reserved and didn't make it easy for those to access his mind, which was taking a toll on the two. They each had a purpose, Alex's purpose was to control everyone he could and turn them against the good sirens as he was a bad siren, an evil one. James' purpose was to prevent that from happening.

Alex grinned as the last song finished and prepared to step on stage. This is was it, he was gonna finally push Thomas to him and him only. James may have had Thomas over him for a bit but this was his time to shine. He was gonna be the strongest of the sirens and his name would go down in history for it.

Alex POV

The music began to play as Alex stood on one side of the stage, Thomas on the other.

"Yes I look perfect, ice king that's what you see" I had to force myself not to grin at the obvious truth as I made my way over to him.

"It's what they all expect from me, but it's all show" I see James watching me, just out of sight of the audience. He has no clue that I had already won this battle from the beginning.

"Face it, you used me. You saw the handsome clothes, my supermodel pose...but did you know?" As I grabbed onto more minds in the ground, I felt Thomas' mind loosen around me and I gained a bit more power.

"Was I a game to you, was I way to be cool? I truly cared, was I the fool?" I held the note, gaining more power, I saw something shift in the corner of my eye. James must've noticed the spike of energy from me.

"It's fine for you, it's fine to flirt. It's fine~" I held the note once more, stepping closer to Thomas, smiling but then the smile dropped. "Till someone gets hurt"
I walk a few steps away, facing the audience. "Till someone gets hurt!"

I looked back towards Thomas and stepped closer to him, grabbing his hand and putting it to my chest.

"Feel my heart beating, I'm just like him or you. People forget I'm human too, yes they do that" This line made me laugh inside, I was not a human and never was a human.

"This is performance, this is self-defense" I tried to manipulate James and he flinched, glaring at me.

"I thought you had the sense, to see through that" I glared back.

"Was I too proud with you? Was I too cold and forbidding?" A pang of sadness hit me for a moment, that seemed to be more directed to James. We were good friends in the past until out destinies separated us. But now was not the time for sadness.

I stepped away and pointed at James, him stepping out of his spot for the audience to see who I was pointing at. "And you chose him over me? Are you kidding?" I stepped really close to Thomas as I held the note, venom evident in my tone. The ensemble joined in the background.

James flinched, looking slightly hurt. I didn't care, he wasn't going to stop me from creating my legacy in this pathetic world.

"Poor little me all trapped in this fabulous show" I slid away from Thomas dramatically, he frowned slightly as James stepped closer to us. Thomas knew he'd have to choose between the two.

"You could set me free, but if you going, go~" I held my hand out towards Thomas as James watched.

The ensemble joined in again, as Thomas took a deep breath and stepped towards Alex.

"It's fine for you, it's fine to flirt! And god you're hot, why do you even wear a shirt?" I sang with more power in my voice as I grinned and cams closer to Thomas, watching as James' eyes widened.

James POV can't end like this, I know what he's going to didn't I notice earlier.

Alex POV

"No it's fine!" Thomas' mind was like a block of clay to mold, I just had to find the center.

James joined along in this verse, he was trying to get Thomas to him.

"Damn, you're fine!" Thomas sang to me as I kept plowing through his mind.

"Damn you're fine!" I sang shortly after, my grin getting wider.

James was trying, it was a funny sight to me.

"And it's fine!" James and I sang together and Thomas didn't sing, he looked between James and I as we stood on each side of him.

He had to choose.

"Till someone gets-" I reached his central mind core (lol what) and grabbed at it. He was mine.

Thomas pulled me into a kiss and I melted into it, spotting James who had tears rolling down his cheeks, muttering a quiet 'hurt'. I grinned at him, my power at its max. I was stronger than James, which meant he failed his purpose.

James POV

A wave of energy knocked me back, I was too late. Thomas was taken and Alex had won. I failed my purpose.

Alex POV

I pulled away from the kiss and sang my last two lines.

"Till someone gets hurt" I face towards James, his mind cackling with free energy to be manipulated as my voice rolled through the theater. "Till someone gets hurt!" I sang the final line with so much energy, James had to look away to resist. The lights went off around us and I turn off my microphone, walking to his direction.

James POV

I was frozen, I knew I failed and that he had won. He was the strongest and now he could fulfill his purpose.

As Alex walked past me, a portion of my mind betrayed me and Alex said with a grin "I win" as he kept walking.

The good guys don't always win.

Yo I might make this an actual story idk but I really like the idea behind it. Also small explanation. In this AU in order to fully gain all the power you can from a person and make them "yours" in a sense, they have to kiss the siren. The siren can't kiss their target because that would make everything too easy. And that "central mind core" is basically what everyone has, and sirens use it to control who ever they please if they are strong enough to do so. The stronger you are, the more minds you can capture and the less chance you have to be controlled. Yeah I'm making this a story I like this idea.

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