Tears Pt. 1 (Jamilton wow)

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Imagine a role swap between Eliza and Alex. And then change Eliza to Thomas. And instead of Maria is Jemmy James even tho he's a cinnamon roll who deserves no harm. Make it more modern but the situation is still the same with some changes then you got the whole structure of this story. It might be a 2 parter idk.

Alex sat at his and Thomas' shared bed. Staring at the piece of paper that torn him up inside as he kept wondering, why? Was he not good enough? He constantly felt that way Throughout their entire relationship.

Thomas was the type of person everyone wanted to be with. When news came out about their relationship, Alex was happy to receive all the positive comments from everyone, telling him how lucky he was. However, deep down he felt as if people were only telling him this to seem nice. As if they only wanted to discourage Alex from dating Thomas.

Thomas caught wind of this and made sure to make Alex feel as accepted as possible. What Thomas didn't know was that Alex had seen how happy Thomas was when he was talking to a person like Angelica. It would send Alex spiralling into a fit of panic, thinking of how Thomas would be way much better without him.

Lafayette and Alex were practically siblings due to their living conditions, but they made it work as they received overwhelming parental love from the Washingtons who wanted nothing more than to see Alex and Laf grow to be capable adults. Laf would be the first person to comfort Alex when he found out.

Alex chuckled at the thoughts as tears rolled down his cheeks. The paper in his hand contained a good two or three paragraphs, but those paragraphs shattered Alex's heart far beyond repair.

"Dear Alex,
It's a bit formal yes but I needed to tell you of...the affair your boyfriend and I have had. It was never meant to escalate this bad but due to the moment and feelings we had given off about each other, it did."

"I meant no ill harm towards you and I know you will be heartbroken when you read this." Ding ding ding, correct bitch. "However, what ever you plan to use this information for afterwards is up to you. I only request you do not give out my name. I don't want Thomas to find out I told you this."

"And as for Thomas, I don't know. He seemed to be eager to hide the affair and I couldn't bear this secret any longer so if there is the chance he does read this: "I'm not sorry for telling him what happened Thomas"

-James M.

Alex fell deeper into that pit of insecurities that day than he had in a very long time. He had cried, denied it, dealt his anger out, whatever he could to calm down but he just couldn't.

Alex wiped his new stream of tears and leaned back on the headboard of his bed. Something special fell into Alex's lap that made him sob even more.

That stupid letterman jacket. Thomas had let Alex wear it when it was cold and had claimed it his ever since. It was also the spark of their friendship and now broken relationship.

Alex had went to see James as soon as he read the letter and they talked about it. Alex ultimately forgave James because he felt James had good intentions with a bad outcome. James had a crush on Thomas, as did most others, and he needed to work on a project with Thomas. Apparently Thomas had more of a "more than just friends" towards James and they hit it off.

Way too well.

They continued on until the end of the project and longer and that's when James was having enough and was becoming guilty. He then decided it was best for Alex to know and Thomas said for James not to because it would break Alex's heart but James did so anyways.

Alex choked back another set of sobs as he looked around the room. Alex should've noticed the signs earlier but he didn't want to. Maybe he already knew but kept denying it. Either way, it led to heartbreak.

Today was supposed to be their anniversary date, and if Alex is correct, there won't be any more of those.


Alex got up and headed to the kitchen, opening a drawer and pulling out some scissors.

He set it down and awaited patiently for Thomas returned as deep hatred and sadness boiled within him.

Woah, I kinda like this but it has so many errors hh :0

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