Elementals (Hamburr But not really)

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I love Jamilton but I'm absolute sucker for Hamburr. I know I told myself I just liked it as a platonic ship but deep down I knew I was lying to myself. Also I kinda want to make this a book and if I do this would be like the Prolouge. Also this idea was gotten from a book that's in my recommended list called "Fire and Ice" because I liked the concept but I'm not gonna steal the whole plot or anything just some small parts I liked akfjdkd

The teacher sat all the kids down in a circle to tell them a story of their soon to be talents. It was a story that the kids looked forward to every year.

"As you guys grow up, you will start to learn your talents. Each person will find what suits them best and when they do, the symbol of it will appear in their eyes!"

The teacher used her eyes as an example. It was a pencil. "What does it mean?" A child with curly hair and an abundance of freckles asked.

"It means that I'm good at writing and everything of the sort," the teacher smiled and got up, going to the board and writing a sentence on the board. To the kids, it looked as simple as ever, making it easy for them to comprehend but for the teacher, there were many different forms of the sentence that she could choose and set.

One kid, a quiet one who usually stayed out of trouble pointed to the 4 symbols of the board. "What do those mean?"

"Oh! Those are the special talents. They are the 4 elements that represent earth. There's Earth ironically enough, that deals with rocks and trees and stuff like that. Then there is water, that one is bound to water. There's air, which means that one is bound to air, and finally fire, the one that is bound to fire."

A child with coily, poofy, yet amazingly soft hair and dark skin raised their hand.

"Yes?" The teacher asked.

"What makes them so special?" The kid asked.

"They are the ones that are supposed to keep the Earth in check. However there are multiple of them. It's very rare to have an elemental talent but it's not limited to 4 people."

"Are they dangerous?" The freckled kid called out.

"Well, they can be unstable at times. For example, a person with the fire talent is the most unstable of the entire group due to the nature of fire. Fire is known to destroy everything in its path, which means that a person who has a fire talent usually is drawn to danger and is quite reckless," the teacher explained.

"What about the others?" A young girl in a yellow jacket asked, her hair was in a ponytail and she was missing her front two teeth.

"Ice is fires opposite. Ice usually is more calm and tends to stay away from the action. Ice talents usually don't feel all the ranges of temperatures as they usually feel more chilly than anything else, unlike fire who usually is feeling warm all the time. Water is another calm one, they can be risk takers as well. They usually go with the flow. Earth is a combination of them all and is usually quite energetic. Earth and water go hand in hand to make sure things are alive and well on the Earth. It's kind of like how Fire and Ice keep each other in check, mainly Ice making sure fire doesn't do anything crazy."

The kids were all stunned. One asked when they would receive their talent.

"It's only comes natural to you. You can get it when you are young or old, but most receive their talent when they are in middle/high school." The kids nodded and started discussing what they wanted their talent to be.

"I want mine to be an animal!"

"I want mine to be food!" (Me)

"I want mine to be of painting!"

"I want mine to be like clothes"

All the kids words mashed together and the teacher sighed. She sat down and scanned the room, noticing one kid who sat in their chair and read quietly, only talking to those who came up to him.

"Aaron Burr," She whispered and smiled. "I have a feeling I already know your talent," and smiled more and kept watch of the kids.


Little Alex didn't understand what was going on. He didn't know what people were leaving the house. Did they not like the fire? He thought. He had always been fascinated with it and got into trouble because of it. He didn't know what he did this time but he knew it was his fault.

He noticed his father head off with a bag of hastily placed clothing inside but shrugged it off. He was waiting for his mom and James. He never really liked his dad. His dad felt the same way.

Eventually they rolled his mom out in a stretcher, a mask over her face. James stood by her side and glanced up at Alex, who sat on his own stretcher, wrapped in a cooled blanket. James shook his head and Alex frowned, confused.

He tried to hop off the stretcher but the doctor didn't let him. He watched as they loaded his mom and James in the ambulance and left.


Lafayette looked at all the belongings in his bag. He felt his pockets for the money he had and his plane ticket along with his passport.

He was sneaking off on a flight to America. He didn't have anything here for him in France and he didn't like his caretakers. So he waited until the time presented an opening for him to escape. He went along with the half assed plan that has simply started with "pack bags".

He didn't think his plan would go that far but here he was, and he was excited. He listened for the door to his caretakers room to close shut and set a timer for an hour.

In that hour, he silently prepared himself for every situation he could. Where would he stay? He would just have to find out. Where was he going? To New York. Americans made the place seem so glorious so why not? Finances? He did have a lot of money from his parents so he's taking a lot of it with him so he can convert it to American money.

The hour passed and he made a dash for it. Out the door and running through the streets to get to the airport to catch his flight. He was nearly late but he made and it and boarded the plane. His luggage was all secure and he was finally free.

Lafayette relaxed in his seat and basked in his silent excitement for the flight that would bring him to his new home.

These points of views are all from different times in their lives. Like, Alex's was a couple of years later after the previous section and Laf was a few years after Alex. Hopefully I'll get the chance to make this oneshot a story.

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