Always Watching

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Wowowowowowow a story wow

Alex grumped and walked through the forest, a hood over his head. He had run off and was suffering the consequences for it. This time, when he had threatened to leave he wasn't joking.

His father wasn't treating him properly and making his life hell so why not just pack your shit and leave.

Alex took a good chuck of money from his dad and packed his small suitcase, slipping his hood over his head and dashing through the door. This brought him to this moment now.

"This was a dumb idea," Alex sighed but shook his head. "It was for the best Alex," he muttered to himself and kept walking.

At one point, he stopped and sat down to eat a snack. He pulled out an apple from his bag and started to eat it. Alex took the time to examine the area around him.

He didn't realize how far he had gone until now. Everything looked dark and unfamiliar and it gave him an unsettling feeling.

He sighed and finished his apple, throwing the core somewhere before getting up and continuing his trek to a new home.

Wherever that was.

Hello?" Alex called out, hoping for some answer but alas, nothing responded.

A bird, however, decided to fly on his head. It startled him but at least he wasn't lonely and it seemed like the bird wasn't leaving anytime soon.

Another good 20 minutes of walking, the bird started chirping. Loudly might I add.

Alex flinched and carefully took the bird off his head to see what it was screeching at.

The bird was chirping at a tree. Alex looked up and nearly missed the figure that laid across a branch in a relaxed manner.

The bird flew up to the figure and sat on the branch nearby.

"Hello?" Alex asked once more.

No response. However, a very prominent grin spread from the dark area, making Alex tense up.

"Uhh.." Alex muttered and stepped back a bit.

"No need to be afraid, I won't hurt you," a voice spoke from behind Alex, causing him to jump and look behind him.

"I'm up here you oblivious idiot," the voice spoke again from the branch, but now there was light shining on the person on the branch.

They were still grinning, had big poofy hair with some strands that were different shades of magenta/pink. They had striped car ears that were magenta/pink as well as a tail that was the same way. Not to mention if you were to look close enough you would see whiskers as well.

"But...I heard you from behind me-" Alex started but jumped again when the voice spoke from behind him.

"Oh I know, I was there, but I'm also here! I'm everywhere and all you can do is stare!"

The person stretched and sat up, leaning on the trunk of the tree as their tail curled slightly from beside him.

"What brings you to the wonderful forest, little one?" The person asked, looking down at Alex.

", I was running away from family," Alex muttered, slightly embarrassed now that he listened to himself say it out loud.

"That's why you left your home, my question was 'what brings you here' not 'why are you here'? That makes sense, yes?" They asked and Alex just stared and nodded dumbly.

"I'm not sure how or why I'm here," Alex answered after a moment.

The person kept staring at Alex until they grinned wide and vanished, the smile persisting in sustained air until, it too vanished.

Alex felt an arm wrap around his shoulders and he jumped for the who knows what time today.

"Well, since you're lost," the person purred, their tail ever so slightly stroking Alex's cheek, causing him to blush. "How about I help you find your way to a new home?"

"That would be nice..." Alex muttered and looked down, trying to hide his blushing face.

The person only chuckled and put his hand on Alex's chin, raising it up. Their tail continued to gently stroke Alex's face.

"No need to be flustered," the person cooed, bending down and leaning in until he was only a couple of inches away from Alex's face.

Alex could feel the person's hot breath and any form of communication he could develop was out the window.

"I'll help you back home," the person whispered and pecked Alex's lips with his own before vanishing again.

Alex squeaked and looked around to see the person back on their branch, grinning.

"And Alex..?" They asked.

Alex hummed in response, unsure of how they knew his name.

"I'm Thomas, but you can call me Tommy or even daddy if you're really feeling brave," they winked and Alex groaned, blushing even more.

"Yeah yeah..." Alex trailed off and looked up at Thomas, who still had a grin on his face.

"...thanks for your help daddy," Alex beamed when Thomas froze and nearly fell off the tree from surprise.

Thomas repositioned himself on the branch and glared at Alex but his cheeks were tinted pink. His tail swayed calmly behind him.


Yooooo I would love to read a book like this.

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