Fusion (Jamilton woop)

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Is Jamilton one of my favorite ships? Hell yeah

3rd Person POV

It wasn't a strange day for the two. They were dormmates but it didn't bother them much. Outside they acted like they hates each other with no remorse however being forced into close quarters forced them to learn about each other. Did they still hate each other? Not really but they still get along.

However! The next day was sure to be an interesting one!

You see, this isn't like modern life, their universe had a twist. Among everyone, there were beings that had powers. It was very rare and it was said that they were blessed with it if they proved themselves worthy. Alex was blessed with the ability of fusion. Alex didn't know how it worked but he never questioned it either. This was one of the things Alex didn't tell Thomas, but he was going to be forced to do so.

It all started off with a free day for the two of them. No classes to deal with and no where to go so they stayed at their shared dorm.

Alex wouldn't admit this ever, but he had taken a special liking to the Virginan. Sure their arguments could hit him pretty hard, he didn't care as much as he should've.

Things became heated after Thomas poked on a sensitive subject, knowing very well it would irritate Alex.

It irritated him a whole lot.

Alex lashed out at Thomas, and the whole hellstorm began. It quickly became a fistfight, and while in the process of socking Alex in the eye, Thomas noticed a small gleam coming from Alex's palm.

When Alex's eye got punched, he cried in pain and tried to shove Thomas away. The gleam in Alex's hand brightened and the two merged together as one, this brings us to when they finally woke up from being rendered unconscious.

The fusion groaned and both hands rubbed their forehead.

"What the hell happened-" They froze. Their voice being a mixture of one another's if they spoke at the same time.

"Hamilton?" Thomas' voice.

"Jefferson?" Alex's voice.

They sat in silence, looking at their respective hands.

"...Alex why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to find out, you would've thought I was weird.." Their left eye began to tear up.

"Hey, Alex it's fine. I'm not talking about...this, I'm talking about your family" Alex's side froze.

"Don't look through my memories...please. Thomas?"

"Oh god.." Thomas' voice muttered, faltering.

"Thomas! I said don't! No one needs to know about my past, including you!" The left eye began to have tears streaking down their face. Not to mention it was slightly swollen shut from when Thomas punched it.

"I can't stop it! You think I want to see all of this?!" Thomas yelled, rendering his other half speechless. Alex's eye (the left one if that wasn't obvious) began to pour out even more tears to make up for the lack of his other eye.

"Alex...Alex I'm sorry. I didn't know you were dealing with all of this..."

Alex stayed silence.

Thomas' side began to tear up too as he went through more of the tougher times in Alex's life.

"...is this why you're scared of storms?" A short nod.

"...and why you get mad when Mr. Washington calls you son?"

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