Pew Pew Bitch P1

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I've given up on serious titles woo, also this type of society is where crime is much more accepted and common due to an unstable government. Also Alex and Jemmy in this book because yeet.

Alex trudged through his office, no one speaking to him. Why would they, especially with what happened. Alex had lost his wife and kids not even a week ago and it hit him hard. He refused to talk to anyone about it and drowned himself in more work in hopes to ease the pain.

It didn't.

Alex believed he would never find someone like Eliza ever again. Some Reynolds girl had even come knocking at his door in hopes of trying to start something was immediately rejected and shut down. (Smh what Historical Alex should've done)

He sat down at his desk and began to work on the stacks of paper that were scattered on his desk in an unorganized yet organized system.

It wasn't until a few months later that Alex began noticing some of the signs one of his co-workers were giving him.

Alex didn't expect someone like Jefferson to be dropping subtle hints to him because he was almost positive he had something for James, yet here he was.

Alex had relaxed over the time of his losses, but would still have somewhat frequent breakdowns about and was unaware of his own emotions slipping away from him with every passing day.

One day, Thomas pranced into Alex's office and Alex looked up at him.

"Can I help you Jefferson?" Alex asked.

Thomas looked down at Alex. "Would you like to go get coffee with me sometime? You look like you've been down in the dumps for way too long."

Alex thought about and sighed, nodding. "I don't see why not. How about tomorrow at 6pm?"

Thomas grinned and nodded, walking out of the office with a sense of accomplishment. Alex felt someone spark within him, a small piece of hope where emptiness sat.

Alex sat with Thomas in the coffee shop, holding a decent conversation. Thomas made sure to stay away from the more sensitive topics and they hit it off really well.

It soon became a tradtiton to them and Alex felt things he hadn't felt in a while. Joy, happiness, hope, and maybe even love.

Alex enjoyed the feeling, though something in the back of his mind told him it wasn't going to last. He was used to the intrusive thoughts, for they had always been there ever since Eliza died.

Alex sighed in content as he read over the messages that had been sent between him and Thomas. It wasn't until he started getting into the more recent messages that he noticed something off.

It seemed as if there was a loss of passion in Thomas' messages, causing Alex to frown. Alex shrugged it off and set his phone down, laying down to sleep when his phone went off again.

Alex sat up and checked his phone. It was a picture from Thomas! Alex's heart fluttered and he opened the attachment.

He didn't expect what he saw, and any feelings of joy he had were crushed right then and there.

It was a picture with Thomas and some girl (Sally I'm sorry), She was holding Thomas protectively while Thomas' neck was littered with hickies.

While tears fell down Alex's face, he felt overwhelming sadness, but he also felt hatred. Not just for whoever that girl was, but for Thomas too.

Alex closed the conversation and messaged Washington a simple message stating he was sick. Alex then cracked his knuckles and got up, heading out the door with a blank slate expression.

He was going get revenge, and he didn't care about the consequences of the choice he was about to make.

Little did he know he was way past the verge of breaking.

James stormed out of Thomas' office, his face twisted with anger as tears rolled down his cheeks. Thomas tried to go after him a few times but James made it clear to stop before something would bad would happen.

James wasn't on best terms with Alex but James was definitely did care for the man. Especially since he knew how Eliza and his kids died.

He didn't see Alex walk in from work today so he assumed he was at home, so that's exactly where James went.

James knocked on the door and was surprised to find it open. He pushed the door open and heard muffled wails coming from the bedroom. Concerned, he rushed to the room to see Alex in the corner, sobbing away.

"Alex?" James asked, and Alex whipped around. His face was pale and he was trembling. James rushed over to Alex and he flinched away, shaking his head.

"I-I was g-gonna hurt h-him...maybe e-even kill him b-but...I c-couldn't bring m-myself to d-do it s-so..." Alex stuttered, moving his hand away to reveal a bloody palm and what looked like a gun wound.

James' eyes widened and he pressed Alex's hand back on the wound and put pressure on it. "Oh Alex..." Alex let out another broken sob and tried to push James away but was much too weak to do so.

"J-James...just l-let me die...I d-don't deserve h-him anyways..." Alex sniffled and James shook his head taking out his phone and calling 911.

"You aren't going to die, I promise Alex. Then you can get all the revenge you want," James assured Alex and kept pressure on the gun shot until the ambulance arrived and took Alex away.

Thomas felt terrible, he wasn't sure about Alex but James for sure probably hated him now. It wasn't until he received a short message for James that sent him running off towards the hospital.

He rushed into the hospital and asked to see Alex. They told him the room number and he went up to see Alex.

Alex sat at his bed, staring off into space. He snapped out of his little trance and glanced at the person at the door.

He frowned and glared at Thomas.

"Alex thank go-"

"I don't want to hear it Thomas. If you couldn't tell, we're done. You can go back to your little girlfriend who is clearly better than me," Alex hissed at Thomas, holding a cold glare to the taller male.

"Alex please, let me explain!" Thomas pleaded but Alex shook his head and looked away, scolding himself for almost breaking down again.

Someone cleared their throat dramatically behind Thomas and he whipped around to see James. James rose an eyebrow and shoved past Thomas.

"I think it's time you leave Thomas," James stated and glared at Thomas.

Thomas' expression changed from heartbroken to anger. "Fine, I see how it is then. I'll see you guys around...or not, assholes," Thomas muttered and stomped out of the room, leaving the hospital.

James just sighed and leaned on Alex while Alex relaxed.

"Good riddance..." Alex mumbled and James chuckled.

Oof this was supposed to be much worse but oh well, next part will be better.

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