Sirens eh? (Take a guess)

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Don't guess, it's Jamilton and I'm not sorry

Alex enjoyed life in the sea, swimming with all the animals there were to be there. However, that all changed when he found himself caught within a net. He thought it was just a really big fish but he was wrong.

Very wrong.

They hauled him onto the ship and they were astonished by the creature before them. Usually the crew tosses their findings back into the sea but Alex was a special case. They tried to communicate with him but he only let out angry squeaks in a way to piss them off.

Alex could speak English but did he want to? Hell no.

He then tries singing. Sirens were known to have a beautiful voice that could captivate any mind they wanted for control and power but he only used his for dire situations.

He didn't want to be like those sirens who grew power crazy but even having a little power was too much for Alex but he kept on anyways until he couldn't.

The ship continued on until it reached land and Alex was transferred to a bigger tank instead. He nearly died the first time because the idiots put him in saltwater at first. He made sure they never made that mistake again.

Alex's eye always caught onto one human in particular. Dark skin, chocolate brown eyes, and puffy, curly hair. He loved that human but it seemed as if that was the only human that never fell for his tricks.

The workers on his team noticed this and forced him to work with Alex.

Alex POV

I swam to the back of the tank, looking at the door warily. I don't like those weird creatures. They don't need water to breathe and they move around with two tails?? Absolutely absurd.

"Its just me Alex," Thomas called out and I smiled swimming up to the top of the tank. This is the only creature I like, he isn't mean like the other ones. He doesn't try to poke me with all those painful sharp sticks (needles) that make me hurt and dizzy all the time.

"Hi Thomas~" I grin at him, trying to get him to fall for my tricks at least once, but it never works.

He looked up at me with a risen eyebrow and I pout, swimming back to the back of the tank behind some rocks. Call me childish but I really want something with him. I've heard of mating and all that but it sounds dumb and I don't believe I'd ever need one.

"Aw c'mon Alex, don't be like that"

I grumbled and swam up to the front, staying in the water this time. Unfortunately, I hit this weird barrier thing that's been here for a while. I know its apart of the tank but I don't understand how it's there. It doesn't look like it's there but it is.

Thomas chuckled and pressed a hand against the barrier. I tilted my head and pressed a clawed hand where his was. Woah.

He smiled kindly at me and I returned it, feeling my cheeks warm up. What the hell is this feeling?

Someone opened the door and ruined out moment as Thomas turned back to face a different creature, my least favorite one at that.

I hissed at them and swam back to my hiding spot as they glared at me and tried to reason with Thomas to get rid of me. That fucking bitch.

Thomas would always say no, saying how they could trust me and that always made me feel all happy inside. Is this what finding a mate feels like? If so, I like it.

My least favorite creature named "Lee" I think then smacked Thomas. My Thomas. I hissed quietly and swam up and to the front of the tank. I glared at the creature and made them feel pain in their head. They flinched and put a hand to their head as they kept glaring at me.

I gave them an innocent smile.

"That thing, is bad news Thomas. Is get rid of it while you can," Lee said before storming out. Thomas sighed and leaned on the barrier thing.

I swam down and landed right behind him as I leaned on the barrier behind him.

I'll keep my Thomas safe from any awful creatures. He'll be very safe with me.

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