Possible one shot?

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Okay guys I need your opinion here. Usually when there is a heathers/Hamilton crossover people have either the Schuylers or Thomas, Jemmy, and Aaron as the heathers but like they somewhat don't fit the roles??

I mean, sure you could make it work but historically here that would be weird.

I'm here on the bus thinking, "what if Aaron was Veronica?"

It'd fit, Veronica used to be that kinda forgotten quiet shy girl that wanted to be known. Aaron was the quiet yet ambitious boi who strived for more to keep up his family legacy.

See the similarity?

Then, Veronica becomes more outgoing, reckless, and somewhat toxic to herself after she met the heathers.

Aaron slowly became more of an opportunist, taking risks he would've never done before if it meant he got what he wanted.

See the similarity?

Yeah yeah Veronica had JD to influence her but if you wanted to flip the script a bit you could replace JD with Theo Sr.


Because Aaron expressed it clearly that Theo was like the light of his life. He would do anything for her to make her happy.

See where I'm going here?

Adding onto this, Alex would most definetly be Heather C. He ends up getting killed by Aaron anyways so thats one thing.

Alex was a somewhat sassy kinda bitch that would pour laxatives in your drink just for fun. Yeah he was loving to those he was close to, but that was those he was close to.

He made enemies with literally anyone yet he was hella influential in his time.

Okay here me out on these last two-

Jemmy would be Duke, for the sole reason that James was not a cinnamon roll that everyone makes him out to be. He was actually more of an asshole if anything historically.

I'm not sure about this but from what I read, James had made fun of Thomas when he was mourning the loss of his wife. He also didn't show up to Thomas' funeral when Thomas wanted him there. Even if that isn't true it gives you some insight on what type of person historical Jemmy was. I'm sure if he had the chance he would've risen up to try and take control over what he could earlier than he actually did.

Just like Duke.

Finally (for now) Thomas would be McNamara. In the musical Thomas was the prissy bitch who spoke his mind freely about anything without giving shit.

Historically though, Thomas actually had some pretty bad social anxiety and was actually more quiet and reserved.

Sure he was founding father, he just wasn't a loud one. He had his opinions and all that but he didn't go screeching them around like Alex did.

Translating that personality into today's age, Thomas could fit McNamara because while she was cruel to Veronica, she was only following rules set by Chandler and actually didn't like Chandler all that much.

Thomas was ehhh okayish with Aaron but they weren't all that close of friends like Veronica and McNamara.

However, Thomas could also fit McNamara because (again, translating his personality into today's age) he seems like the type of person to hide emotions and try not to have a breakdown every moment. Kinda like McNamara.

He would act all tough and brave around others but in reality he may have had problems that he would've been made fun of for. (not to mention daddy issues as well *cough*)

Anyways, I wanted to see if you guys would want to read a one shot about this? Idk but it's an interesting concept and if I got anything wrong I wanna be corrected heck-

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