Sun and Stars

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For those who read my Hybrid story, I'll work on the next chapter later today. With that said, onto the oneshot!

Alex pressed his back against the wall, his eyes wide with panic as he breathed heavily.

"You," the person growled, shoving his finger into Alex's chest, "are nothing but a worthless human. You are supposed to listen to me and do as I say. You'll be punished for this later," they hissed, grabbing Alex's shirt collar and pulling him forward.

Alex squeezed his eyes shut and sent his foot down on the person's foot, causing them to release Alex and scream in pain.

Alex darted past them and to the castle doors. The guards gave him pitiful yet sympathetic glances and turned a blind eye to him opening the castle doors and running out.

It wasn't the first time the king had done something like this. Who was the king you ask? It's not important but his name was King Abraham Venable.

Alex ran into the forest, his feet stinging from the hot rocks he had to walk on as punishment.

His tears clouded his vision but the adrenaline pumping through his veins allowed him to keep running.

The shine of the everlasting moon glared down on him gently. There had been no sun for over 20 years, for the heir sun kingdom had gone missing. The date wasn't definite but it had been a good amount of years.

When the newborn had went missing and the realms went without sun for the first time, it was an all out war. Crops died, people starved, and chaos ravaged the realms.

However, it had all calm down after the first couple of years and the realms learned to manage.

What are these realms you might ask? Well, they are the realms that keep the universe in balance. There's the Summer, Spring, Fall, and Winter realm. They aren't humans, they are far from that actually.

They go as elementals. While they have magic, it a limited to their land of origin. Then, the rulers of those for main realms are the Moon and Sun realm. All seasonal realms require the Moon and Sun gods to contribute to all its lesser realms.

The final realm, or planet, is the planet Earth. They were the byproducts of the other realms and were the only ones without any powers. They were seen as fragile, submissive, weak, unworthy of freedom.

They fought with humans on many occasions but the humans manage to come out on top and stay independent for realm ruling.

The sun and moon gods were the most powerful of them all. They weren't to be looked down upon or there would be consequences as all the legends have said.

Legend also has it that when the heir of the throne to the sun returns, peace will be restored just as the sun is.

Alex, for all he knew, was born on Earth in the Caribbean. It's all he knew and remembered. Oh, how wrong he was. He was treated as scum and for some time, was forced to work as a slave until he was "rescued" by the Winter god, King Venable.

It was all a lie. The king used to treat him well until after some time. The king became harsh and abusive to Alex and refused to let him leave or step out of line. Alex wasn't allowed to wear normal clothes and was often forced to clean and follow the kings orders like a dog.

It wasn't until today that Alex was able to escape and was now running through the harsh cold terrain in the forest.

His legs gave out first and he fell face first into the snow, sobbing. He sat up and huddled close to the trees, wrapping his arms around his knees and shivering.

He sobbed and hoped he wouldn't be found again.

He looked up at the Moon, still shining it's hazy rays onto Alex. Alex sobbed and sobbed and hoped he would be saved.

"I just want to be that so much to ask? If someone could help...anyone...I'll be forever grateful..." Alex whispered, as if talking to the stars.

He set his head in his knees and shivered violently, his body temperature dropping with every passing minute.

He heard walking, coming toward him. He tensed up but was much too weak to fight back so he stayed put and hoped they passed by.

Turns out he was wrong yet again.

The person stopped in front of Alex and bent down to his eye level. Alex looked up and gasped, nearly falling over.

The male had moon crescents outlining his eyes, marking him as the Moon god. They had dark skin, wild curly hair that went out in every direction and chocolate brown eyes. His most prominent feature was obviously the Moon crescents that gave off a hazy glow like the Moon.

"I heard you needed help," they whispered. "I'm not supposed to be out here but a person in need is a person in need," the smiled softly and picked up Alex, holding him bridal style.

Alex instantly melted into the touch and his shivering lessened. However, everything went black the minute he tried to say anything.


Alex awoke in a strange bed. Someone was sitting in s chair beside the bed and they were reading.

"Up already?" They asked. Alex scooted away from them.

"Im not here to hurt you. You were in need of help and you called out to me."

"" Alex stuttered out.

"The stars, they're always listening. It's a shame no one talks to them anymore but when they do, I do my best to help them when possible."

"Who are you?" Alex asked.

"Thomas Jefferson, Moon god at your service," he said with a slight smirk. Alex couldn't help but smile. "Who are you?"

"Alexander Buck (mom's last name), a worthless human but you can call me Alex if you'd like."

"A worthless human? Why I wouldn't call you worthless at all. No human is worthless," Thomas spoke, a sour tone in his words.

"That's what all the elementals call us..." Alex muttered and rubbed at his wrists.

"Well let me assure you that you will not suffer like that here," Thomas claimed.

Alex smiled slightly, taking a liking to Thomas already.

I'm going to make this into a book watch me

Jamilton Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now