Random Thoughts n shit

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Okay so, if there were roleswaps, who would swap with who?
Most of the little lore I write with the swaps probably include previous swaps that I had mentioned previously

Alex and Eliza switching would be an obvious one. Burn would still be emotional it doesn't matter who sings it.

An outlandish yet interesting swap of TJeffs/James M. and Maria/James R. Imagine Maria and Eliza being in a heated cabinet battle.

Alex and Burr, Burr will finally get to be in the room where it happens with a quiet Alex by the side silently getting frustrated. Not to mention that Wait For It would still fit him well.

Alex and John, John begging Alex to come home from the war and not continuing to fight so that they could live their lives together but Alex never recieving the letter because he died.

Instead of Pips dying, Eacker does and it pretty much curses the family name even more with the whole Phamplet being out and everyone and Alex/Eliza having to suffer from the emotional trauma and to add onto it, basically a murderer in the family.

Theo and Eliza. Not them switching places, but more of switching fates. Theo lives and Eliza dies at a young age, therefore reinforcing Alex's view in Wait For It.

The Revolutionary Set swapping with the Schuylers. Angelica is Laf, John is Eliza, and Herc is Peggy. Which means that Alex gets with John, Herc dies of old age, Angelica getting stuck in France, John burning the hell out of Alex's letters, and Laf roasting the hell out of Alex and setting him in his damn place.


More random shit

A crossover in Satisfied where both John and Angelica sing together about their love for Alex and them having to keep it hidden because they both share a sense of protection and want of happiness for Eliza.

In Congratulations, John does a return and roasts the hell out of Alex. Mush Roomie already did an animatic of it and it's fucking amazing.

John lives, but instead parts ways with Alex to go off and be with his wife because he had to prove to his father that he wasn't gay, leaving Alex completely confused and heartbroken.

Cabinet Battle 3 is fucking amazing even if it wasn't included in the end. All the upbeat energy there was in say, Cabinet Battle 1 is gone and the fate of the nation is truly setting in. With slavery becoming a bigger problem as everyday passes on and Alex trying to get Washington to do something about it/ban it but slanders TJeffs in the process about Sally Hemings. Or the fact that James M. completely shutting down Hamilton's idea, saying how they will stick with 1808 to ban importation of slaves. OR the fact that Washington agrees with James and they all set Alex in place about talking of Jefferson's mistress when he had one himself since CB 3 was to be set after the Reynolds Phamplet. And at the end when Alex says "No" he's pretty much given up at this point because everyone pretty much hates him including Eliza and he's for sure somewhat depressed and done with everything. And finally when Washington says "Lets hope the next generation thinks of something better" and the canon shot at the end. Meaning that their century is leaving all their problems to the next century and the canon signifying the Civil War.

Woah that was long one.

The instrumentals have so much hidden in them it's amazing. Like the fact that in Alexander Hamilton when Burr says he's the one who shot Hamilton there's actually a gunshot there. Or the fact that in Say No to This, James. R's beat is the same beat at the beginning of We Know. Or the fact that Cabinet Battle 1, it's beginning beat is the just a modified version of the beginning of Ten Duel Commandments. Or the fact that in TWWWE, after Hamilton gets shot, the following tune is the somewhat the same as the beginning of Aaron Burr Sir. Or, an obvious one, in Best of Wives, Best of Women, the beat is just a more simplified version of Its Quiet Uptown. Another one, during Take a Break, durinf Alex's portion when he was writing to Angelica, the harp in the background had the same notes for the beginning of Burn. Yet another one, the ending of That Would Be Enough is nearly the same as Its Quiet Uptown except it's a chord higher.

That's another long one.

I mentioned something about a roleswap with Alex and John and how John would try and beg for Alex to come home n shit. Well in real life, that's what Alex was trying to tell John. In Alex's final letter to John, he was trying to tell John to put his sword down and join him in politics, where he would be safe. However, John most likely never recieved the letter and if he did, he ignored it and continued on fighting, which lead to his death. John pretty much died in a way that Alex was trying to avoid that shit hurt. You can even tell in Laurens Interlude. His letter was like a mix of That Would be Enough and Take a Break but instead ended in death.

Alex forgave Burr for everything he had done to Alex and apologized sincerely about all his malicious actions towards Burr on his deathbed.

Hurricane Workshop version includes John, and basically how Alex states that John most likely would've convinced Alex not to write the Phamplet and without John there, he pretty much had nothing to lose. Which was obviously a lie lmao what about Eliza aLEX? Now, take that logic, and switch Alex to Burr and John to Theo and it fits. Both John and Theo had such large impacts on Burr and Alex's lives. If they hadn't died so young, they probably could've prevented some of the more serious and idiotic things Alex and Burr did, such as Alex publishing the Phamplet or Burr even dueling Alex. A bit out there but it's definitely possible. Too bad we'll never know.

I find it funny that when Alex acts like Burr to get what he wants, it's all okay. But the moment Burr takes the chance to be an opportunist, all of the sudden it's a problem and eVERYTHING IS ALL WRONG TO ALEX-

Most of you guys know that Alex's daughter, Angelica (named after the one and only Angelica Schuyler) fell into a deep state of depression and Alex tried every way, shape, and form to cheer her up and none of them worked.

Jefferson might've been political enemies with Alex, but when he learned that Burr had killed Alex he became angry with Burr. Not to mention he set the record straight to find Burr and have him arrested.

Burr was the one who helped Maria file a divorce against James R.

Maria had a daughter who James R. threatened to hurt if Maria didn't try and get Alex to have an affair with her. Maria was the victim in all this and her option never mattered when it came to that situation. Poor Maria was hated on for something she had no power to stop. Not to mention he had been forced to believe that the only way she could achieve goals in life was through begging and sex due to James R. While Alex was somewhat to blame, he was also somewhat a victim who just happened to catch James' eye. The real villain there was James, not Alex.

Philip is somewhat to blame for his own death. He has Alex's arrogance and both he and Eacker didn't want to be seen as less honorable, hence why Eacker agreed in the first place. In the musical, the reason Philip gets shot on 7 is for a completely different reason and for different symbolism. In reality, they did their paces then stared at each other for an awkward minute or so when Philip started to raise his gun up slowly. Eacker panicked and thought Philip was gonna shoot him so he reacted faster and fatally shot Pippers.

I like doing these, it's fun. Also YT video by an amazing dude who breaks down the musical amazingly.

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