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I still like writing these, thanks to those who still read my trash lmao. Also smut maybe??

The POV in which it focuses on all the characters thoughts and actions, using "He and She"

Washington shooed the two out of the office as said his final statement, "If you fail to successfully get information on the group of bandits I'll call for your removals."

"Just great! We have to chase that stupid group of bandits and I have to work with you!" Alex hissed.

"Oh stop your whining and follow me, we need to think of a plan," Thomas groaned and walked towards his office, Alex trailing behind.

Thomas opened the door and waited for Alex to walk through first before going inside.

"Wow I didn't know you had manners," Alex mumbled and sat on the desk while Thomas took his chair.

"Anyways, I was thinking. Since we have to find the group of bandits at a ball, why not go as a couple. We can sit close to them and listen in on their conversation while being able to hide our identities," Thomas stated after an awkward silence.

"Ew! I am not doing that, you must be fucking crazy!" Alex practically screeched.

"Do you have a better plan then?" Thomas asked with a risen eyebrow.

He grinned when Alex sat for a little too long, obviously deep in thought.

Alex groaned and got up, opening the door. "I'm assuming I'm going as a girl, there is no way you could pull it off," Alex looked over Thomas' figure. Alex was right, Thomas had a much more muscular build compared to him. Alex looked more feminine if anything.

Thomas nodded then grinned. "See something you like~?" A light blush dusted over Alex's cheeks. He must've been staring too long.

"Be at my place at around 7, alright?"

"Got it Hamilton," Thomas said as Alex left.

Alex mentally cursed at himself for this but pulled out his phone and dialed Peggy's number.

"Yeah Peggy, I'm gonna need your help with something."


Thomas stood impatiently by the door. Alex was taking so damn long. He hears Peggy and Alex arguing about something when Alex stomped down the stairs. Thomas caught himself blushing.

Alex had managed to wax his little beard along with his arms and legs. He wore a beautiful green ballgown that went down to just above his knees and was in some comfortable flats. Peggy even managed to style is hair to the side. She tried to get him to wear fake breasts but that's where Alex had drawn the line.

"You're no fun Alex!" Peggy called out as Alex grabbed Thomas' arm and pulled him out of the house.

"Yeah yeah whatever! Bye Pegs!" Alex yelled back then closed the door. Thomas took the moment to compose himself and walked to his car, getting in on the drivers side as Alex sat on the passengers side.


The "couple" easily spotted the bandits.

"That's them," Alex mumbled to Thomas as they danced and spun around the dance floor.

"I can see that, we can go search their stuff in a moment. You distract them while I go, okay?" Alex nodded and strut off towards the group of men who stalked around the corner of the building. Alex got their attention quite easily as Thomas made his way over to the bandits table.

He discreetly searched through the items around the table and found both a file folder and flash drive.

He tucked the flash drive in his dress pocket and hid the folder in Alex's purse at their table. (Which so happened to be nearby).

Thomas nodded to Alex and Alex ended the flirtatious conversation with the men before pacing over to Thomas.

"I hated it so much, they were so suggestive and one of them in pretty sure grabbed my ass," Alex muttered angrily.

"Well hey, it's over. All we have to do is wait until the ball is over so that we can leave. If we leave early it will seem suspicious," Thomas assured Alex.

It would be easy, right?


As Thomas and Alex danced and swayed through the dance floor (with subtle blushes on their faces), gunshots rang out and everyone panicked.


Thomas muttered a quiet "shit" and grabbed Alex's hand, running towards the other rooms, Alex grabbing his purse on the way there.


They stood in a dimly lit room as the screaming died down.

"We're gonna get caught, this is the end," Thomas whispered yelled in a panic.

"Shh! You're gonna give away our location!" Alex scolded Thomas, freezing when he heard footsteps coming in their location.

Alex whipped around and pulled Thomas in for a kiss, Thomas was surprised at first but kissed back when their door opened.

The bandit muttered a quiet "oh" and closed the door on them. They should've stopped kissing, but they didn't. In fact, it became more passionate as Alex wrapped his arms around Thomas' neck and Thomas wrapping his hands on Alex's waist pulling him closer. They didn't know how much they wanted each other until the opportunity had presented itself.

Alex bit Thomas' bottom lip and granted Alex access to slip his tongue into his mouth and roam. Thomas ran his hands along Alex's back and yanked his hair lightly, causing Alex to let out a quiet moan.

In retaliation, Alex palmed Thomas through his pants and felt the growing tent there. Thomas bit lip and gripped Alex's ass.

"Fuck you.." Alex mumbled, trying to suppress a moan.

"What time darlin?" Thomas asked with an amused grin.

"Now would be nice," Alex responded simply.

"Be careful, you might get what you wish for," Thomas said.

Alex laughed and went back to kissing Thomas, still palming him.

"We should probably head back now..." Thomas muttered, pulling away but Alex only giggled in response.

"We have plenty of time Tommy," Alex purred and kissed him again, a bit annoyed at the height difference.

Thomas must've noticed because he bent down to Alex's height and picked him up. Alex wrapped his legs around Thomas' waist and grinned.

"That's a lot better," Alex said and proceeded to kiss Thomas roughly.

The night in that little room only got better from there.

Lmao I tried to write smut but I fucking can't so I deleted that part but anyways bam chapter

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