I dare you (Thaurens eh)

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This ship is ehhh to me but it's whatever I guess

3rd People POV

Alex was sitting on the couch talking to John. John was rambling along about something when a certain name got his attention.

"You like him?!" Alex practically screeched.

"Oh, well uh...I've liked him for a while now I just didn't think he'd like me back.." John mumbled with a small blush.

"Have you told him yet?" Alex looked at John with a risen eyebrow.

"Oh I told him a month ago! We've been dating in secret for a while...wait fuck I wasn't supposed to tell you" Alex facepalmed.

"Look, I don't mind you dating Thomas but you know what's gonna happen if he does you wrong right?"

John shook his head but looked curious.

"Remember Francis when he dumped you?" John flinched at the memory but nodded anyways.

"Remember how for the rest of the school year he stopped talking?"

John nodded again.

"Let's just say, Laf and I had a word with him" Alex winked and got up, looking at his best friend. "I'll accept Thomas if it makes you happy but like I said, he's gonna regret it if he hurts you in anyway"

John looked slightly nervous at what Alex might do considering he's a midget compared to Thomas but when Alex wants something done, he's going to do everything in his power to make sure it's done.

Alex engulfed John in a big ol hug before going off to his room to call none other than Laf.

Squirrel POV

"Hey Laf, you won't believe this?"

"What is it?"

"John found himself a new lover with with none other than Thomas"


"I know right?! Anyways, I'm not letting Thomas go off and date a cinnamon roll like John without some sort knowledge of what might happen if he hurts John"

"Well duh, that would be crazy if we let it slide. When are we talking to him?"

"I'd say tomorrow after our last class, I usually see him then"

"Ah, okay mon ami. See you then"

"Bye Laf!" Alex hung up and laid down, playing various games on his phone before passing out.


Back to POV Person 3rd

Alex and Laf stood off to the side of the school building as they watched Thomas give John and quick, discreet kiss. John smiled and waved to Thomas, walking off towards the dorms.

"Hey Thomas!" Laf screeched and motioned for him to come over, which he did.

"What do you two nerds what?" Thomas asked, glaring at them.

"To make sure you don't hurt John" Alex responded simply.

Thomas looked confused for a moment. "He told you didn't he?" Alex and Laf nodded and within a quick moment they were hot on Thomas' ass like the "parents" they were.

"If you hurt him in the slightest, we'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your life" Alex hissed coldly at Thomas but he seemed unfazed.

"Uh huh, and what are two nerds going to do to someone like me-"

"Blessé John et nous allons personnellement dire à tout le monde ce que vous avez fait, assurez-vous de ne plus jamais vouloir parler et assurez-vous de ne pas pouvoir marcher pendant une semaine, compris?" Laf stared coldly at Thomas and both Thomas and Alex stared at him. Alex didn't know a man could get so protective over a friend but hey, he would do the same too if he needed to.

Thomas took a quick breath and nodded quickly, slightly afraid of what the Frenchman might do. Thomas' phone started ringing and he picked up.

"Oh hi love! Yeah I'm fine...okay I'll be there shortly" Thomas hung up and stared at the two glaring at him.

"Go along now, you don't want to keep him waiting" Alex motioned for Thomas to run along and he couldn't be more relieved to leave.

"You think we did good Laf?" Laf nodded and smiled. "veux-tu prendre un café?" Alex nodded and the two walked off.

Woop Google translate is somewhat unreliable but oh well

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