Potential (No ship)

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3rd Person POV
Also the list is just what everyone's abilities are, I'm planning on making this a book in the future.

Angelica stormed through the building, grabbing Thomas by the shirt collar from behind. Thomas muttered a tiny "fuck" under his breath.

"What the hell did you think you were gonna do?" Angelica hissed.

"Nothing~" Thomas said, not missing a beat but was spun around to face Angelica.

"He is already fragile as it is, doing this will only make things worse on him" Angelica glared at Thomas, the glowing white in her eyes just now beginning to fade back to normal.

"Well he's powerless, he can't do anything so why not?" Thomas received a sharp ass slap to the face. "Ow what the fuck?! What the hell do they feed you??" Thomas gently touched his burning cheek.

"Don't do it Thomas, it won't end well for him and I'll make sure it won't well for you either" Angelica stomped off, her head hurting from the vision she had just received.


Thomas was gonna do it anyway.

(A/N This line is honestly me)


Alex was running through the school, trying to get away from the huge wave that was about crash down. Obviously it wasn't there, it was only a fragment of his mind. It had been like that ever since he forced himself not to use his ability. He nearly killed a person in the past so he decided it would be best to stop using it completely.

Of course there were consequences, such as hallucinations and pretty much craziness but he could live with that. He ran around the corner and slammed into someone. He fell over and had to put a hand to his chest to see if he was actually alive while breathing heavily.

"Ah, just the person I wanted to see" Alex looked up to see Thomas. He instantly started scooting away but much to his dismay his legs started working on their own accord as he got up.

Alex glared at Thomas, being sure not to use his ability as Thomas forced Alex up to his dorm and started questioning Alex about his past/lack of ability. All to which Alex stayed silent like usual. He was praying to not have another hallucination but fate didn't really like him today as a familiar smell of iron filled his nose.

His eyes widened and he shrieked, backing himself into a corner. This was the worst of them all, in which everything was covered in blood and everyone looked like they dying in his face. Just like how his mother was.

Thomas looked confused at first, but then grinned. "So little hammy does have an ability, he's just chosen not to use it" Thomas made his way to Alex, using his own ability to make the hallucination much worse. Alex tensed up and slid to the ground, seemingly choking on nothing.

To Alex, however, felt like he was actually going to die. Not to mention he was choking on literally nothing, but Thomas was the cause of that. He had hot tears rolling down his cheeks as he squeezed his eyes shut and kept coughing violently.

The door to the dorm flew open as an angry Angelica stood at the doorway, about ready to kill someone. "Thomas! Release him right now or so help me I'll make sure you are going to be in so much pain after we're done"

"We're" you might ask? Well Herc, Laf, John, James M, and Eliza were there. James was more of a last resort since his ability was much more extreme but Angelica figured he'd he a good help.

Eliza rushed past everyone else and sat next to Alex, muttering soft, calming words that were sure to get the hallucination to fade. Thomas had released Alex by then but had started arguing with Angelica.

Alex dared to open his eyes to see that thankfully the hallucination had ended. "T-thanks for g-getting the blood t-to stop d-dancing on the w-walls.." Alex muttered out and Eliza smiled softly. She was used to Alex's weird statements, it's what made him special to her.

The arguing got louder as people started joining in. Alex managed to stand himself up with Eliza's help and for the first time in years used his ability.

"Stop! All of you!" Alex's slightly raspy voice rang out from the rest, forcing everyone everyone froze, tears forming in their eyes.

(A/N It's sorta similar to how Blue Diamond from SU can make anyone begin to cry)

"What the hell is your ability..?" Thomas muttered as he tried to wipe away tears that just kept coming back.

Angelica's eyes flashed white, signalling another vision. "Oh no.." She muttered quietly and looked at Alex with pure concern.

"That's never happened before.." Alex mumbled, taking a step forward before pain rushed though his head and he fell, blacking out.

Pretty much when you go too long without using your ability but then suddenly use it at mass amounts (like a whole group of people) that part of your brain that holds your ability can't just handle all of that after being unused for so long and it causes you to pass out, and other stuff that isn't included here. I got inspiration for this from BNHA and The Lunar Chronicles.  

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